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Schwarzenegger signs on for Terminator 5

Rubin Farr

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Gritty future war Terminator is needed. Salvation was meh, but at least they tried. I want to see a story playing out in the skull-covered ruins of LA, on how they discover the time displacement machine. It's the perfect story for the prequel-crazy Hollywood.

the sequences in the original film, of the future war were very very gritty and had a very visceral feel (for me at least). i would love there to be a film that goes more into that kind of stuff. like you said, with Salvation they tried...but it suffered from being a product of it's time.


would definitely love to see the whole thing behind destroying Skynet and finding the time displacement equipment. i think they were trying to go that way with the Sarah Connor Chronicles, but of course that was cut too short.

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I liked the Sarah Connor Chronicles and they had to cancel it just as it was getting its legs. Not related, but Stargate Universe has also improved markedly on its second season, but it got the axe too. I hate it when networks have no patience and cancel budding good shows.

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I liked the Sarah Connor Chronicles and they had to cancel it just as it was getting its legs. Not related, but Stargate Universe has also improved markedly on its second season, but it got the axe too. I hate it when networks have no patience and cancel budding good shows.


Same with Rubicon. It only got one season to gather steam. I guess the networks want ratings immediately or it's cancellation.

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