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Scotland is leaving through the fire escape

Guest inteeliguntdesign

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

Is anyone else really fucking excited they may gain independence?


I quite fancy a neighbour with free healthcare, free education and a decent electoral system--when you really can't guarantee that shit here these days. Two have gone forever, more or less.


I hope it may better show that this government is purposely fucking most of the country for its own benefit, when we'll be able to compare ourselves with a hopefully successful Scotland. That's probably a bit optimistic though--I'm sure we'll find a reason why we're, and staying, like this--with conviction, too.



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Guest inteeliguntdesign

The Scottish National Party won a pretty good majority in Scotland (they have separate elections, like) for the first time.


The SNP want, and have wanted, independence for a long while. Now they've got full control they can do that. I heard there was going to be a referendum on it.


I haven't looked at the news for a while. But that's what I heard.

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Guest Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald

I'm all for it in principle.


The only thing that concerns me is that if Scotland becomes independent, then the rest of the UK is pretty much guaranteed a Tory government after every election. Looks like I should plan to move up there before the shit hits the fan here :emotawesomepm9:


If Northern Ireland had the same thing then maybe the IRA would stop killing all those innocent people.


Also this.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign

Yeah, some SNP bloke on the radio said there would be open borders. HOLLA. EU, anyway, innit.


We had red tories last few elections, and now we've got blue tories--who magically won a referendum against a voting system they themselves use internally--I'm kind of thinking we're fucked anyway.

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as far as I know Alex Salmond's pipe dream is all about living off of North Sea Oil reserves, and I say the word reserves because he seems to conveniently ignore that this isn't a renewable money pot and it will run out


I'll need to see a pretty convincing argument for independence, other than that I think there is simply too much to lose...



upon winning his first election Salmond ascended into the skies above the Clyde via helicopter and began eating meat pies in rejoice - seriously, I have no faith in this man. Greasy hands just like em all


PS: I was far more upset about the lack of AV being pushed through, all the funding for the "say no to AV" campaign was backed by the tories and the bankers, anyone with a clear head should've been able to see a mile off ergo voting FOR AV is a good fuck you to said funders.... :(

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Guest inteeliguntdesign
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Scotland That makes it sounds like it'd be doable. Highest GDP per capita outside the south east and greater London, not including the oil. Besides, if it does go tits up, can't you just do a Ireland and Portugal and ask the EU for money? It would be amusing to see the UK's reaction to that.
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offshore wind farming. onshore wind farming. fuck the oil.


and fuck the SNP


never going to happen.

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