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Anyone know a good software for


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So I need a good software for tracking clients (as in customers), right now I just use excel and Outlook address book, but I want something that's more adaptable - I want to be able to sort people by 3 different criteria: name, company, and location; I also want to be able to tag with "date last talked to" so that I'll get reminded if I haven't talked to someone for a long time. Maybe excel will do the trick, I just need a worksheet set up with the right formulas? Help me, watmm...

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it's called a CIM (customer interaction management) system, if that helps you in your search. i know there are free, open-source ones out there but i can't vouch for how good/bad any of them are.

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Guest hahathhat

microsoft access is horrible, but i know people use it for this. anyone remember clarisworks?

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it's called a CIM (customer interaction management) system, if that helps you in your search. i know there are free, open-source ones out there but i can't vouch for how good/bad any of them are.


CIM doesn't turn up any google results, and the results for customer interaction management are scant. Did you mean CRM, Customer relationship management?

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it's also called that, i guess.

the one i used (clarify) called itself CIM. it also cost many thousands of dollars.


edit: wait, it's CRM, you're right. i'm an idiot.

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it's also called that, i guess.

the one i used (clarify) called itself CIM. it also cost many thousands of dollars.


edit: wait, it's CRM, you're right. i'm an idiot.


but you're a Minecraft God :emotawesomepm9:


Thanks for the suggestions guys!

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Guest El_Chemso

You could do what you want in SQL and make it web based pretty easily. You can then write as many different queries as you like to look at the data and have email reminders sent out on it.

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Guest theSun

this can probably be done pretty easily in excel.


i'm sure there are more efficient options though. the sql thing is a good idea, sounds like one of my old oracle homework assignments.

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