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Video Montage set to Rap Music


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I'm now taking bets as to how long it is until hardcode feels the banhammer...I'm giving good odds on sometime in the next month. either that or he will ragequit spectacularly.


I wonder if you even realise how petulant and bitter you sound sometimes though hardcode? most of what is said on here is only a joke or a bit of harmless piss-taking, but you take it all so seriously! lol. like you actually sit there at your computer seething with anger and then write a post which makes you sound like an angry fool with no sense of humour. I'm sure you're not really like this IRL, and are a completely normal person, so like, just stop rising to the bait! be cool, as they say...


sure you'll take this completely the wrong way, but thought I'd give it a shot.

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I dunno, you try to help a nigga and he just goes ahead and posts the same shit joke he already used in one of my music threads. didn't get a laugh then DJ Hardcode, don't flog a dead horse and all that.


but you really should learn to laugh at yourself more DJ Hardcode, I think it will help you in life generally. you aren't cool, but it's ok. learn to love yourself for who you are.

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today's Sesame Street is bought to you by the letters B, C & M. can YOU think of any words that begin with B, C or M? our friend DJ Hardcode is doing real well and has thought of 6 words so far - can YOU beat him? yo, DJ Hardcode - how about you spin some totally rad beats while we play?

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