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Guest fiznuthian

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Guest fiznuthian

Again - and this is no slight to fiznuthian - but most on here should not be following his lead for dietary advice. He's training for triathlons - that's a whole different kettle of fish for your body.

Or rather, they should be following it, but maybe not the extremes that he has.

Like XXX said - diet is exceedingly complex - individuals are..well that, individual.

Yeah, I do take it to extremes.. sortof.

But it certainly doesn't feel extreme to eat meat, vegetables, and fruits. I cook in grass fed butter and coconut oil. Everything tastes delicious and it certainly doesn't feel like a "diet".

And while I do get LOTS of exercise I am not currently training for triathalons specifically.. At the moment I could easily compete in one and probably kick it's ass. I feel like I barely even tried to get in this shape. And god damn are my muscles explosive! Had to be careful playing soccer because in full sprints I would run into people and send them flying :(




... burrito?

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Guest fiznuthian

ate a post work lunch today. leftover coconut steak and a bunch of spinach sprinkled with balsamic vinegar, and a bosc pear and organic kiwifruit. breakfast was an omelette with sauteed onions, bacon, peppers, in kerrygold. snacked on a golden delicious apple. yum. :smile:

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Again - and this is no slight to fiznuthian - but most on here should not be following his lead for dietary advice. He's training for triathlons - that's a whole different kettle of fish for your body.

Or rather, they should be following it, but maybe not the extremes that he has.

Like XXX said - diet is exceedingly complex - individuals are..well that, individual.

Yeah, I do take it to extremes.. sortof.

But it certainly doesn't feel extreme to eat meat, vegetables, and fruits. I cook in grass fed butter and coconut oil. Everything tastes delicious and it certainly doesn't feel like a "diet".

And while I do get LOTS of exercise I am not currently training for triathalons specifically.. At the moment I could easily compete in one and probably kick it's ass. I feel like I barely even tried to get in this shape. And god damn are my muscles explosive! Had to be careful playing soccer because in full sprints I would run into people and send them flying :(

this is bullshit unless I see you bike in and give me 25.

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I've been putting a lot more protein in my diet. I alternate my breakfast every day between eggs & toast and little breakfast burritos I make: vegetarian refried beans, black beans, and tofu. Sometimes I add egg in them.


I also drink a couple cups of green tea.


I eat fruit whenever I can, but I should really start eating them every day. And kale, apparently. I eat too many carbs because I love pasta and pizza.


*bikes out of thread*

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry to bump this thread from God knows when, but I stumbled upon this and thought of this thread: http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/ms.html




Apparently it is common for those with MS to experience random reversals of their symptoms. This makes it easy to claim that the symptoms were reversed by some miracle cure. However, according to the National MS Society, no tests as of yet have shown there to be any nutrion-based cures or treatments for MS.


I'm not saying don't eat your vegetables. Obviously veggies are good for you. I just remembered this thread, and I remembered that analog wings got some flack for claiming Terry Wahls was a quack. Well, I don't know, but I think it's pretty plausible.

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Guest fiznuthian

Totally plausable, you are right. But regardless of whether she experienced random reversal has little to do with her being a quack.

She certainly is not a person who is attempting to deceive. Perhaps we (Terry and myself) are deceiving people telling them about our experiences reversing disorders and disease with an ancestral diet model.. I understand that to another person who has not experienced eating this way and consistently benefiting from it across the board, we come across like total quack jobs trying to convince everyone else that our way is the right way and it saved us! Because perhaps we are wrong and our disorders randomly disappeared?


Fair enough. I can accept this, I might just be deceiving you unknowingly..


But it's hard to shut the fuck up. I'm sorry WATMM.

My acne disorder is 100% regressed for the first time since I was in 5th grade. I was 10 years old then I think?

Not a day since then has my entire body stopped erupting into painful cysts and the full spectrum of comedogenic acne. Not a single fucking day man. NONE. Every day was constant obsession over the new spots to appear.

My depression and social anxieties were spiraling out of control, in part due to biochemistry and in part because I was losing control of my mind and how to deal with my self image, concept, and identity..

Maybe some people deal with acne better than I do.. I had it early in my life and didn't understand


I'm 24 now, almost 25 and I guarantee you I probably wasn't going to make it much too longer because most days I pondered gassing myself to death or whatever felt easiest..

So that just wasn't going well at all and I was searching for anything to get it to stop.. I thought perhaps it was what I eat and somehow by luck managed to find the "paleo diet" website only.. seemed simple to eat meat, veggies and fruit so I tried it.


I'm 1 month away from 25 now and my body has no acne. Everything left is scarring and tissue damage that might take the next year or two to fade. The thousands of closed comedo deep under my skin cells that remain are one by one ejecting from my skin, healing shut, and vanishing in a week at a time. I've never felt better mentally or physically in my entire life.


So I totally connect with Terry on this level.. Knowing your life is turning to shit and then you find what works for you.. It's terribly exciting and you want to tell everyone. You want to help them.


Perhaps at my age suddenly and without knowing the reason my own problems vanished on their own.. Perhaps diet has absolutely nothing to do with it. Maybe we're barking up the wrong tree.

I don't know man. Just thought i'd share it anyway.


Guys I do enjoy all of your responses to my rambling nutrition and health posts. I hope those of you who remain skeptics continue to bust my balls because that's what good science is about anyway. It helps me a lot and forces me to reevaluate where I stand.

No doubt i'll continue to eat lots of fats, meats and stuff, because it works for me so well in every aspect of my life.

Hopefully none of you are getting too worked up or frustrated that I consistently share my experience and new found knowledge here. Never intended to piss you off.

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