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Enemy Expatriation Act Could Strip Americans of Citizenship


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How about we make a list of all the messed up shit in America?


Then we take that list and spread it, angering as many people as we can.


I don't feel like waiting till December for this 2012 business to happen. Come on people, lets speed this shit up!

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Vote Ron Paul guys :)


Because getting rid of the Department of Education and handgun restrictions will make us smarter and not want to kill more people.

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Vote Ron Paul guys :)


Because getting rid of the Department of Education and handgun restrictions will make us smarter and not want to kill more people.


the department of education is horribly inefficient and fucked over states with "no child left behind."


besides, culling of some federal agencies wouldn't cause the collapse of the united states. totalitarian policies will.


edit: lol, it's not like ron paul even has a chance though. at the very most, supporting him means bringing his ideas to a bigger stage and putting up a mirror to so-called liberals and conservatives, who in reality all support the corporate rape of america and aren't bringing anything new to the table.

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Ron "I don't accept evolution as a theory" Paul isn't going to get my vote on anything having to do with education, sorry.


Enjoy your moral majority based States First education.




edit: I realize that the DoE doesn't actually dictate curricula. It also only employs 5,000 people.


As a source of government waste it's pretty fucking negligible in the scheme of things. It also got me the student loans that allowed me to actually go to university and law school.

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Ron "I don't accept evolution as a theory" Paul isn't going to get my vote on anything having to do with education, sorry.


Enjoy your moral majority based States First education.


Evolution is a shit theory anyways. We haven't seen a single animal evolve let alone us throughout history. This isn't pokemon. Moonstones aren't going to do the trick.

But this doesn't mean I accept creationism either.


I rather believe that Aliens created us. Its not like we are far from mastering genetics that we too become Creators of life. Shit we practically have.

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Yeah, he's great, unless you're a woman or give a shit about the environment or your collective right to enjoy that environment or science or you remember what it was like when the States had free reign of civil liberties.


But hey, you may be able to smoke some weed!


He thinks the Civil Rights Act was a bad thing, for fucksake.

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Yeah, he's great, unless you're a woman or give a shit about the environment or your collective right to enjoy that environment or science or you remember what it was like when the States had free reign of civil liberties.


But hey, you may be able to smoke some weed!


Wtf dude, stop spreading bullshit. If you don't like him at least have a good/true reason for it.

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wtf? the states never had completely free reign, unless you consider the Articles of Confed. period that way...which still isnt true considering popular uprisings were quelled fairly brutally and in a show of overwhelming force by Gen. Washington.

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How is it bullshit?

He calls himself a staunch foe of abortion. He was highly critical of the Civil Rights Act. He doesn't believe in evolution. He doesn't believe in Global Warming.


All of those things are amply supported by Ron Paul's own statements.


I don't like Obama's hawkish foreign policy or the war on drugs or ACTA either, but let's not pretend Ron isn't a social conservative of the first order.

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wtf? the states never had completely free reign, unless you consider the Articles of Confed. period that way...which still isnt true considering popular uprisings were quelled fairly brutally and in a show of overwhelming force by Gen. Washington.


I said civil rights. Not free reign over everything.


You're not black, are you, Smetty? Do you know what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did? The fourteenth amendment? fifteenth amendment?

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how else am I supposed to determine what "free reign on civil liberties" means?


wtf? the states never had completely free reign, unless you consider the Articles of Confed. period that way...which still isnt true considering popular uprisings were quelled fairly brutally and in a show of overwhelming force by Gen. Washington.


I said civil rights. Not free reign over everything.


You're not black, are you, Smetty? Do you know what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did? The fourteenth amendment? fifteenth amendment?



Rewrote this whole damn thing but decided Im gonna get sleep first and then continue debate tomorrow.

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I'll readily admit "free reign" was hyperbolic.


Let me put it this way: what don't you like about the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Affirmative Action? In what way does Ron Paul's opposition to that Act indicate that he is a champion of individual liberty?


edit: I'm not trolling with this, I really want to hear a justification for this position, because it doesn't honestly seem like Ron Paul gives a fuck about minority rights when they don't fit his worldview (and this, to me, defeats the purpose of defending minority interests), and when that happens he hides behind a States' Rights argument. He gives a fuck about States' rights, and a good portion of the States do not have a wonderful history of protecting minority rights.


I'm not arguing from the perspective of any other candidate, honestly. Ron could very well be better re: foreign policy than Obama. I just fail to see how Ron Paul isn't actually just another social conservative, and I do not see how that gels with being a champion of individual civil liberties.

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Guest disparaissant

im with baph 100%

you probably could have guessed that though


ron paul is a wolf in sheep's clothing. the fact that so many self-proclaimed leftists are willing to take the shit he spews at face value and buy into it just boggles my mind. he voted for DOMA. he voted for the partial birth abortion ban. he introduced federal legislature decreeing that life beings at conception. he's a liar and a hypocrite.

his anti-war stance is not an anti-war stance, it's an isolationist stance that comes from his racist, paranoid john birch society background. it's based almost entirely on xenophobia. he wants to pull us from defense pacts. he is fucking nuts.

his anti-war on drugs stance is an anti-federal war on drugs stance. if the states want to execute you for an oz. of weed well STATES RIGHTS, BRO.

his opposition to the civil rights act is fucking scary in a country where polls show that in some southern states, voters would like miscegenation laws to come back.

his opposition of the CRA and placement of property rights over the rights of citizens forecasts a dystopian future corporatocratic oligarchy that would be more at home in a fucking shadorun scenario than a supposedly "first world country."

he admitted that he didn't think we should have gotten involved in world war 2, for fuck's sake.

let's not even get started on his economic weirdness. you know, his financial ideas that are nearly unanimously considered untenable and insane.

i could go on but i'll spare you.

point is

ron paul sucks

here he is with don black, founder of stormfront!


man just look how happy he is to be hanging out with the founder of the internet's largest white supremacist message board.

wotta peach.

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Guest disparaissant





edit: you can prolly just replace that last post with this one because WHO CARES he is not a tenable candidate but his STUPID LEPRACHAUN FACE MAKES ME SO GODDAMN ANGRY

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