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Kony 2012

Guest AcrossCanyons

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No, but we were talking about Africa. Maybe I should have said africa instead of poverty, because the places difffer in nature. However It doesnt make my arguments less valid.


You are right on this one. It doesn't make them any less valid; they have been invalid from the first statement of premise.


I don't have patience for this, wether you speak or either you go the personal offense way. Until now everything you have said is kettle logic. I have spoken from my own experience and conclusions I have taken from living in Africa for more than 8 years, however I still define it as my own subjective impression. I won't bother discussing anymore with you until you keep that atitude. It's not the first time I have this problem wth a watmmer, you clrealy like to offend people around here nstead of pointing what's wrong in the reasoning or suggest another solution. If you'll answer in the same tone againn, don't bother, I aldready speak to children frequently.

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That's rich from the guy who made sweeping generalizations about America from his trip to New York City. Where in Africa? It's quite a large place after all.

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1-That's rich from the guy who made sweeping generalizations about America from his trip to New York City. 2- Where in Africa? It's quite a large place after all.


1-You're sort off right in that comparison but I don't need to live in America to be directly affected by its politics and to know its influence in the world, africa doesnt have such an impact and it isnt as transparent 2- three diferent countries.

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“What that video says is totally wrong, and it can cause us more problems than help us,” said Dr Beatrice Mpora, director of Kairos, a community health organisation in Gulu, a town that was once the centre of the rebels’ activities.


“There has not been a single soul from the LRA here since 2006. Now we have peace, people are back in their homes, they are planting their fields, they are starting their businesses. That is what people should help us with.”






AH ah Ah ah



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“It is totally misleading to suggest that the war is still in Uganda,” said Fred Opolot, spokesman for the Ugandan government.

“I suspect that if that’s the impression they are making, they are doing it only to garner increasing financial resources for their own agenda.”





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Which three countries?


Also again - the point is to get Kony and bring him to justice* - not to stop war in Uganda.

The Ugandan government is of course going to put the best spin on their domestic situation** - as has been reported, the Ugandan government is not a particularly benevolent one - they want to limit exposure to outside intervention. But tell me this - if they aren't concerned about Kony and the LRA, why did they spend the last 3 years in a botched attempt to capture Kony in CAR, DRC and South Sudan.



*As well as the other humanitarian work IC does in Uganda.

** Countries don't like being criticized by the international community - look at how the US reacts when they get accused of torturing POWs.



edit: just read the article - how is it possible to so badly misinterpret the message of the video?



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ric Kakoole

10 minutes ago



I am sick and tired of Washington Politics and mentality. When the war was in Uganda, the people shouldered it and finally won. Kony fled to countries with no central governments. He hides there with some racist supporters. Now the war is gone, Washington is fusing itself in. But for what, to take credit? What if they want to distablise the region again so companies can steal the discovered oil and other minerals. In Africa, stable countries dont make profits for western companies, instable countries do. Get it people, its greed..


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Which three countries?


Also again - the point is to get Kony and bring him to justice* - not to stop war in Uganda.

The Ugandan government is of course going to put the best spin on their domestic situation** - as has been reported, the Ugandan government is not a particularly benevolent one - they want to limit exposure to outside intervention. But tell me this - if they aren't concerned about Kony and the LRA, why did they spend the last 3 years in a botched attempt to capture Kony in CAR, DRC and South Sudan.



*As well as the other humanitarian work IC does in Uganda.

** Countries don't like being criticized by the international community - look at how the US reacts when they get accused of torturing POWs.



edit: just read the article - how is it possible to so badly misinterpret the message of the video?




You really think you can do one thing without another? You open the door you wont close it again soon. It's funny how africans, or people with some kind of experience with africa, that comment on there agree with me and sort of say the same as I did while the others act outraged....


good read: http://endthelie.com.../#ixzz1oZb1CHMk

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Good article this one: http://projectdiaspo...my-agency-2012/



"The click-activists, denied context and nuance, have spewed their ignorance all over the comments section in self-righteous indignation for all the world to see...


"Before anyone says ‘why haven’t you done anything to stop Kony?’, may I point out that it took the world’s most sophisticated army over a decade and billions of dollars to catch Osama bin Laden. Kony has been on the run for 25+ years. On a continent 3 times the size of America. Catching & stopping him is not a priority of immediate concern. You know what is? Finding a bed net so that millions of kids don’t die every day from malaria. How many of you know that more Ugandans died in road accidents last year (2838) than have died in the past 3 years from LRA attacks in whole of central Africa(2400)?


The latest IC fund-raising cum “awareness-raising” is an insult to my identity and my intellectual capacity to reasonably defend its existence as beneficial to any Ugandan. The video project is so devoid of nuance, utility and respect for agency that it is appallingly hard to contextualize. I won’t even try. Katrin Skaya said all that could have been said, “rarely seen something this stunningly, insidiously, clever crazy. Amazing case study..

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The people who wrote the international crisis group articles have plenty of experience in Africa. Would you say that Uganda is a utopia and doesn't need work? Doesn't need international support or assistance?


Again - the head of IC makes 88,000 a year. his fancy office appears to be his house for the most part. I'm truly sorry that the woman who wrote "respect my agency" feels slighted by this campaign. I am sure they are not trying to remove her agency at all - they are trying to aid the nation so that people like her can more fully realize their agency.

It is not supposed to offer an explanation of those complex issues in 30 minutes - I'd say it has achieved its aim, it has raised awareness, dialogue has increased. I'll use some more cliched rhetoric - if it motivates even one person to study the situation in Sub-Saharan Africa more thoroughly in order to propose better solutions, then it's worth it. Undoubtedly - it will do more than that.


(and may I point out that the US had no real interest in catching Bin Laden for the 8 years that Dubya was in power because if they had caught him it would have made the "war on terror" that much more difficult to feed to the public - not that I want to open that can of worms (false flag operations, conspiracy theories) - but lets say it was very opportunistic of the US government)

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Guest apeterlives

kony: the vehicle for an effeminate, white American douchebag to become a social hero and make the international slacktivist movement feel warm and fuzzy about saving the world via Twitter

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Guest Pennywise



A story told by Jason Russell: Let me start by saying that that photo was a bad idea. We were young and we got caught up in the moment. It was never meant to reflect on the organization. The photo of Bobby, Laren and I with the guns was taken in an LRA camp in DRC during the 2008 Juba Peace Talks. We were there to see Joseph Kony come to the table to sign the Final Peace Agreement. The Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) was surrounding our camp for protection since Sudan was mediating the peace talks. We wanted to talk to them and film them and get their perspective. And because Bobby, Laren and I are friends and had been doing this for 5 years, we thought it would be funny to bring back to our friends and family a joke photo. You know, "Haha - they have bazookas in their hands but they're actually fighting for peace." The ironic thing about this photo is that I HATE guns. I always have. Back in 2008 I wanted this war to end, like we all did, peacefully, through peace talks. But Kony was not interested in that; he kept killing. And we still don't want war. We don't want him killed and we don't want bombs dropped. We want him alive and captured and brought to justice

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