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DMT For it or against it?


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im not saying they cant be used for spiritual learning or whatever, but ive only ever experienced visual beauty, heightened appreciation of music, and uncontrollable hilarity from them, ive had hippy fucks tell me im wasting the experience by using them for fun, but frankly if you use these drugs to help you mentally then i have absolutely no idea what the fuck is going on in your brain.


im open to everyones ideas on things but it just pisses me off the amount of preaching i get from people who take too much of the stuff.


im referring to acid and mushrooms more here, ive only taken small amounts of dmt a few times, ive heard if you have a large dose its absolutely mind bending.

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im not saying they cant be used for spiritual learning or whatever, but ive only ever experienced visual beauty, heightened appreciation of music, and uncontrollable hilarity from them, ive had hippy fucks tell me im wasting the experience by using them for fun, but frankly if you use these drugs to help you mentally then i have absolutely no idea what the fuck is going on in your brain.


im open to everyones ideas on things but it just pisses me off the amount of preaching i get from people who take too much of the stuff.


im referring to acid and mushrooms more here, ive only taken small amounts of dmt a few times, ive heard if you have a large dose its absolutely mind bending.


I understand what you mean. I think your experiences you described and those of people whom have spiritual experiences are likely talking about similar things. The enhanced beauty, music appreciation, and some of the conversations I've had while on LSD and the 2c-x chemicals signify my transcendence and have permanent, positive effects on my outlook. It increases my taste, hearing, sensory experience etc. So I think in those terms it is spiritual because you are on a higher plane of existence than is possible without the substance.


I think ultimately it's peoples perception of what is spiritual that differs between one person and another, because everyones spirit is a little bit different. The hallucinogens just cause some sort of introvertive self analysis/experience that makes it spiritual for the individual.


Not sure if any of that made any sense.

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