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COD: Black Ops 2


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I don't consider myself a big fan of COD. I really liked COD2 and COD4, and that's about it.


But find I it ridiculous that the current userscore for the game on metacritic is 4.0 with 507 ratings, 1 day after it's been released. People are clearly judging the game without having played it. Why so many gamers act like such a bunch of babies and trolls? From what I've heard there's actually alot of interesting things going on with this game.


I know that these scores really don't matter in the end. But it's the same with every game release these days. Do I even have to mention all the Mass Effect 3 whining?

Because most gamers are fucking idiots. Just look at any message board dedicated to gaming if you want proof.

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I really like this whole choice thing in the campaign. I actually feel like my choices has had an impact so far, which is a complete surprise.


I just expected it to be the usual "kill x or y" and then some dude at the end mentioning it later, bu it's been nothing like that so far.


I actually want to do a second play through right away!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Haven't touched the campaign yet. Been having a lot of fun playing this online PvP, haven't really played a COD since Modern Warfare 1. The players you randomly come across wanting to talk shit on COD with Xbox Live is hilarious.

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Guest Blue Peter Cheat

My favourite was World at War. A fantastic game, with vehicles too, and it had the original COD Zombie co-op gameplay which was really fantastic.


Mine too.


I'm finding the MP on this new one irritating. I don't think I like the cartoony, Borderlands look of it (not that I have a problem with Borderlands). Is it purely a style direction change or was there pressure to make it more obvious to the Anders Breiviks of the world that it is just a game?

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Cartoony new look..... lol... It looks like every other COD (besides COD 1 and COD 3) that use the same game engine..

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I certainly haven't noticed a dramatic increase in color... but that is the only thing I could imagine could possibly make this COD be seen as visually different. If you think it's too colorful... pick up your remote, spend 7 seconds reducing the color saturation on your TV. Then it won't be so "cartoony"

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Guest Blue Peter Cheat

I certainly haven't noticed a dramatic increase in color... but that is the only thing I could imagine could possibly make this COD be seen as visually different. If you think it's too colorful... pick up your remote, spend 7 seconds reducing the color saturation on your TV. Then it won't be so "cartoony"


Yep, you're right. I might actually have to - too lazy up until now.

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I thought it looked slightly more cartoonish, as well. I don't think it has anything to do with colors, though. Might be the dimensions of the characters and the way they move around.


I'm going through the campaign right now and Veteran difficulty is kind of weird. Sometimes it's super easy and other times it's wicked hard.


I think the auto-aim in multiplayer is way too strong.

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