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There must be some folks here playing this crack-of-a-game ? I have to come clean at the start that I've never been a huge fan of playing Minecraft - I bought into the (then) alpha very early on, I like watching pictures and Youtubes of people's creations and the occasional Yogscast video (though the squeaky continual fawning of the main man does grate after a while) but playing it I tend to get a little bored of the rather aimless sandbox nature of the game (though I'm aware since I last played it there's now a end-game boss).


So when I saw Terraria for the first time I thought 'pah, it's just Minecraft but one fewer dimension - it'll be even less interesting', but for some reason (I think it was on sale) I bought a copy. Initially it was a little slow going, but then things started coming together and eventually I became more and more enthralled by the game mechanics. Someone produced a spot on graph of the enjoyment of the game over time (I'm currently at point B to C and am now just a little hooked) -




What I like about the game is the transition from the creation gameplay at the start to make your weapons and things, to a Metroidvania esque adventure building up stats, finding new equipment and building up enough stuff to fight bosses.


TLDR - It's great and not a 2D minecraft clone


and for those that can't read, here's a spot on (though now a touch dated) review:



and it's easily as deep creation wise as Minecraft -


Here's the mining tree of Minecraft:




And that of Terraria:




So what say you dear boy ?

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I just remember the "Also try Terraria" message on the Minecraft menu I saw two days ago, I was wondering what it could be. Sounds interesting. I don't have money for that at the moment though

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Guest Iain C

Enjoyed it when it first came out, but hit "D" after about 24 hours of gameplay and never went back. Exploring the procedurally-generated caves was fun for a while.

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Guest Iain C

Yeah, it was. Bought it just after release. I did read about the update, but it wasn't enough to tempt me back - the gameplay wasn't really compelling enough and there's Minecraft to scratch my explore/build itch.


Oh yeah, the building in terraria was really boring I thought.

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Oh yeah, the building in terraria was really boring I thought.

I'm guessing this is what divides the opinions between those that love Terraria and those that love Minecraft. It's actually the building of the structures that bored me with Minecraft, and I agree the building in Terraria is pretty dull too - though luckily the only real reason to build stuff in the latter is to house the NPCs who sell you items to progress in the dungeons (and somewhere to store collected items from said dungeons).


I'm currently at the point after fighting Skeletron and I don't think I've had to build, dig, or craft anything for about 3+ hours of gameplay

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Terraria is much more fun than Minecraft, but the fact that Minecraft is 3D and has infinitely large worlds and is still actively being developed are really big advantages. Terraria had a lot of potential but the creator canceled development after bait-and-switching people into buying it by promising future updates.

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Yeah that was a serious misstep - seems a bit odd though, do you know what the story behind it is ? It seems odd to abandon such a project like that ...

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Still waiting for two things to happen. One is a Gothic/minecraft game (can't imagine it to work but want it), the other is minecraft with physics (block falling and stuff). Everything else is not brave new world.

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