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David Peck - "Seasonshift"


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Guest active galaxies

Good sound design, and some nice lithe percussion that keeps things ticking over.


If I was being hyper-critical I'd say that the synth lines seem to cluster around the same notes slightly too much, and the whole thing stays broadly in the same key. Some interesting melodic progression and some deftly-applied key changes could take this in interesting new directions.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

honestly, the first 40 secs or so did nothing for me and kinda made me want to turn it off. but im glad i didnt cause once that melody kicked in i was amazed. it really pulled it all together and sounded amazing. awesome track dude.

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Feels great, fantastic bass sound, but it gets too repetitive for me after a while, there is not enough variation in the sounds and moods for my taste. Production sounds very clean.

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very smoooootttthhhh, like it's in that region where if it got much smoother it'd start sounding like a generic tech demo, but where it's at is good - the sounds still have character.


As far as crits go, I'm tempted to echo the sentiment that it's a bit repetitive, but really I'd say it's more like what you've got is a well developed backing track that just needs some sort of really tonally distinct lead laid down on top of it

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Really like this - I think there's plenty of subtle variation in it, the sounds are nice and sharp and clean. Picture the scene: I'm riding a motorcycle along a coastal road at dusk, gaining admiring glances from other motorist for my biking skills. I pull over at a cliffs edge, take my helmet off, turn and look into the camera. I'M A HOT CHICK.


Quality tune though.

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Guest Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald

I'm going to go against the grain a bit here and say that I've actually got no problem with the bass repetition, it doesn't necessarily stand out for me anyway. I absolutely love the melody that comes in around the 0:49 mark as well, lovely stuff. For me though I think the production is a tad bit too clean, I'd love to hear some Clark type compression + distortion over this and see the results. I should say though that I do mainly make footwork and hip hop so for me to give production advice regarding cleanliness probably isn't the best of ideas...

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