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Here is my first track after long time, made in Ableton with few drum samples, upright bass simulation and a lot of reverb!


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nice melodic peace dude, i really like the textures and synths playing, but it's a little bit too repetetiv imo
maybe a little break would help or some more rhythmic variation would be good.
but i quite like the melodie, that works pretty good :)
keep it up

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There we go! A fellow reverb lover! I like this a lot. I don't mind the repetitiveness of it, but perhaps a break, as suggested by Qatarsis, would add to the song nicely.

Great work though.

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There we go! A fellow reverb lover! I like this a lot. I don't mind the repetitiveness of it, but perhaps a break, as suggested by Qatarsis, would add to the song nicely.

Great work though.



Great track though. Keep building on it or something.

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This is really nice! The intro was too long for me, so I confess I skipped ahead. I like the simplicity of it and find it does have a nice little flow in its repetition.


I think the track would really go somewhere if you put an interesting sound or melody or both in place of the higher harmonies that come in at 2:27. It needs something sonically to excite the palette. The harmonies there are cool and I feel like they would do nicely to cool down from wherever the track would go in the section after that.


This is the wannabe producer/arranger in me talking, feel free to disregard. Lovely work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest PeZse

I think the intro is too long, and there is some strange noise in 1:43 which does not fit well there, but maybe that sounds strange just for me, I don't know. :) But besides these I really-really like this track. The bassy synth sound and the main melody is very catchy, the reverb and delay in the ending sounds pretty good.

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