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Obama Admin. admits to surveillance methods: Beating a Dead Horse Pt. 74


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Yes mr e., language barriers and cultural differences.

i don't know, maybe i misinterpreted you? this sentence:

What intellect is there to match, if the basic premisse that people are from all over the world with various levels of expressing themselves in English is being completely ignored?

is just a bit of a trainwreck and i can't decipher it with 100% confidence. i guess.. you are saying that other people are ignoring the 'basic premisse', which is that people are from all over the world and have various levels of english language skills. and by saying that, i guess you are saying that you don't ignore that. you are aware of it, but other or even most people here are not aware of it. and it's because of the fact that most of us are not aware of it, that there is no intellect for you to match.


so it's not my second guess which was that you can't detect intellect due to language barriers etc. it was my first one, that the rest of us are stupid because we don't see how these language barriers are a basic premise to this whole experiment known as watmm.


you can hardly recognize any intellect here. only you fully understand the nature of the world wide web and forums and language issues etc. you are the smarty pants king of watmm.

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Awww posting pictures to help me getting across the language barrier?


Match intellectually? On this forum? What intellect is there to match, if the basic premisse that people are from all over the world with various levels of expressing themselves in English is being completely ignored? I can hardly recognise any.







just to make sure no one missed you flipping out

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How many times have you seen people being put in some ideological box in debates like these? So on one side i have adieu telling me i'm basically unable to have a normal discussion with the intellectuals around here. He certainly has a point. Not denying that. That post was a train wreck.

And on the other side it's just pretty fucking sad to see how easy people are being put into those boxes. Myself in this thread, but this is far from unique. Without the faintest idea of where people are coming from or to what extent they're fluent in english. I'm sure you remember some discussions with some portuguese people here in the past. Basically the same. So from time to time you have those people coming from a different background and a non-native level of english who are called stupid around here.

It doesn't matter what side of the planet you're from. Everyone is treated like being a Texan. If X seems like being your opinion, in texas that means Y. If you can't spell "premiss", "recognize" or display some basic english use of syntax, than your iq level gets lowered with 20 points, or beyond (thanks sr4). Etc.

It's obvious those ideological boxes are thrown around in political debates. That's all part of the game. But as soon as those things are used as stigmas, something else is at play. So, being boxed as an obama apologist and not deserving fair treatment is all fine as long as it keeps limited to a thread. But whenever it flows over (!?) to other threads, things get sick pretty quickly.

Personally, i think, like i've tried to say before in this thread, it's a lot of hypocrisy. This place is very sensitive to mental issues, gays, drugs and what not, but when it comes to differences in language and culture it suddenly stops being interesting. Lets just assume everyone is a Texan, and ask questions later. Perhaps. If a couple of metaphorical gogurts dont get someone to shut up, that is.


@sr4: nice to see you working those sr4-charms

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How many times have you seen people being put in some ideological box in debates like these? So on one side i have adieu telling me i'm basically unable to have a normal discussion with the intellectuals around here. He certainly has a point. Not denying that. That post was a train wreck.

And on the other side it's just pretty fucking sad to see how easy people are being put into those boxes. Myself in this thread, but this is far from unique. Without the faintest idea of where people are coming from or to what extent they're fluent in english. I'm sure you remember some discussions with some portuguese people here in the past. Basically the same. So from time to time you have those people coming from a different background and a non-native level of english who are called stupid around here.

It doesn't matter what side of the planet you're from. Everyone is treated like being a Texan. If X seems like being your opinion, in texas that means Y. If you can't spell "premiss", "recognize" or display some basic english use of syntax, than your iq level gets lowered with 20 points, or beyond (thanks sr4). Etc.

It's obvious those ideological boxes are thrown around in political debates. That's all part of the game. But as soon as those things are used as stigmas, something else is at play. So, being boxed as an obama apologist and not deserving fair treatment is all fine as long as it keeps limited to a thread. But whenever it flows over (!?) to other threads, things get sick pretty quickly.

Personally, i think, like i've tried to say before in this thread, it's a lot of hypocrisy. This place is very sensitive to mental issues, gays, drugs and what not, but when it comes to differences in language and culture it suddenly stops being interesting. Lets just assume everyone is a Texan, and ask questions later. Perhaps. If a couple of metaphorical gogurts dont get someone to shut up, that is.


@sr4: nice to see you working those sr4-charms


Please stop talking about me. I only said that to piss you off. I don't assume anything about you.

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Yeah, the "but I don't assume anything" response. If people don't assume anything, they treat each other like they treat everybody else. See where I'm going with my logic? If a person from Virginia doesn't assume anything when talking to someone from central africa, does he treat him like a central african or a virginian? Again, my point is around here, in general, people often get the texas treatment, regardless of their background.

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jesus christ this is so fucking boring.



edit: it gets old responding to people cherrypicking bits of quotes time and time again to the point where you lose sight of the original postulation. im not even going to get further into it than that, you aren't listening. no one else is. maybe the feedback effect is accurate around here but don't even for a second pretend that it only applies outside of your narrow cone of vision.



it's just not worth the time anymore. it really isn't.

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Yeah, the "but I don't assume anything" response. If people don't assume anything, they treat each other like they treat everybody else. See where I'm going with my logic? If a person from Virginia doesn't assume anything when talking to someone from central africa, does he treat him like a central african or a virginian? Again, my point is around here, in general, people often get the texas treatment, regardless of their background.


Just stop.

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jesus christ this is so fucking boring.



edit: it gets old responding to people cherrypicking bits of quotes time and time again to the point where you lose sight of the original postulation. im not even going to get further into it than that, you aren't listening. no one else is. maybe the feedback effect is accurate around here but don't even for a second pretend that it only applies outside of your narrow cone of vision.



it's just not worth the time anymore. it really isn't.

I listen if you stop posting pictures. What kind of feedback is that? Feedback effect being accurate around here? My narrow cone vision does not compute. You mean that it's obvious to everyone what those gogurts mean? Is that your sense of accurate feedback? Or is this your way of saying i made a good point? You want some feedback? How about using underage level english to say i made a point instead of some veiled attempt at further ridicule?

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MSNBC continues being a good obedient Obama lap dog

weird Snowden smear attempt below. Lawrence O'donnel feigns intelligence on how if Snowden wanted to fight in IRaq after 1 year of 'mission accomplished' he basically must have been an idiot. Which is weird because i don't remember MSNBC genuinely being critical of the Iraq war until the political winds changed and it was safe to do so, they sold it and funneled propaganda to us just like anyone else.


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That other one, if it wasn't for the flag i would be sure it was the Chinese 'president'. And it wouldn't be a silly idea if the average American is spied upon (!?) by their own government and China!


... And the UK

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interview with the first NSA whistleblower, Russ Tice. He didn't have any classified leaks to show hard proof of what he was claiming, but now that Snowden does have that proof he's making the rounds.

it's too bad he doesn't have copies of any of these documents, if the NSA was really spying on Obama and Supreme Court judge Alito, and there was proof of it, it would send major internal shockwaves through government.
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not totally related, but awesome smack down by an Irish member of parliament on the floor. She calls Obama war criminal and the biggest hypocrite of the century, the 2nd assertion is pretty hard to deny at this point. Depending on your liberal disposition, war criminal isn't much of a stretch either (that is if you considered Bush or Nixon one)


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Ireland? Tax free haven Ireland?


I would have loved to see this discussion taking place in US politics. But Ireland? This smells funny, now the US is trying to go after those tax free havens.

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interesting youtube comment, if true (probably just paranoid rambling, but I enjoy contemplating it)



Obama and Rahm Emmanuel are both life time members of a gay bathhouse/countryclub in Chicago called Man's Country. Obama is OWNED. If you've been wondering why this ex-constitutional lawyer has acted like George Bush's illegitimate love child, Signing the NDAA, reauthorizing the patriot act,stocking his cabinet with Banksters, Increasing the scope of the war, Spying on EVERYONE, and literally about 20 more things that would get anyone not on the Bankster payroll impeached. Screw the 2 partys.
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I prefer veiled, insidious homophobia, but sure.


Though I'm not naturally inclined towards conspiracy theories, it is interesting to contemplate that Obama might have something that is being used against him as leverage. He does seem so drained and personality-less these days. Maybe he's just become a Scientologist.

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