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(For rich WATMMers) Beautiful game art prints


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I'd love these but they've priced themselves well of out the market for me (as in they're all around the $200+ mark). A collection of art prints of various games. Eg



Bioshock Infinite collection - http://www.candb.com/en/artcollectivegallery/10/irrational-games.html



Journey collection - http://www.candb.com/en/artcollectivegallery/19/thatgamecompany.html



Mirrors Edge collection - http://www.candb.com/en/artcollectivegallery/16/dice.html



Mass Effect collection - http://www.candb.com/en/artcollectivegallery/13/bioware.html



Kill Zone collection - http://www.candb.com/en/artcollectivegallery/4/guerrilla-games.html



Vanguard Games collection - http://www.candb.com/en/artcollectivegallery/7/vanguard-games.html


If I was rich I'd buy this one in a heartbeat -




(but I'm not so I wont)

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Eek, the prices don't even include VAT or shipping which (just checked) adds nearly another $60 ... but aghh they're so nice

*doesn't know what to do* :unsure:

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i am a gamer

and i would cover every inch of my walls with these beautiful pieces of artwork

and when people came over and said wtf why u got this shite on ur walls m8 id calmly reply

"i am a gamer

and this is my life"


e: hahaha 250 dollars for this shite fucking hell nerds jesus christ get a fucking life m8s

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Guest Gravity

Someone buy me a PS3 so I can play Journey already.




God I love the art direction in this game, hopefully ME2 will be good.

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Guest unteleportedman

Bitches loves guys that have their wall filled with video game related posters...


you might as well go ahead and put something like this on your ceiling as well



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Guest Gravity


Bitches loves guys that have their wall filled with video game related posters...


you might as well go ahead and put something like this on your ceiling as well





Angry your room isn't as awesome as mine?



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Guest Gravity

Can't you kill one of the politics threads on here instead of this one? pls


They're too cool for video games. Real men.

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im really sorry for posting in this great thread now we can talk about the art in questioni think 250 is too much for these art prints even tho they do represetn teh art of video games it s abit much, couldnt u get a poster size pic nicely printed for less than 50 or soemthing, get that shit framed. agian i am realy for sorry not joking about in htis thread its a good thread and i shoudlnt post goodposted in such a good thread ia m sorry pls forgave me its just u know with things being as theyr are the u just see the thread and just post hne m vbuyt u know seriosuly if i went os oemones house and saw they had these prints on their walls i would think they were a rich fuck with horrible taste SORRY

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Guest Frankie5fingers

id buy one of the Mirrors edge ones. maybe even one of the Mass Effect ones too. i wish i had $500 to blow on artwork.

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