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Orange Dust - Robots In Disguise

Guest od++

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Hi guys! So I had the original transformers movie on VHS when i was a kid and loved it. Hard.

Then it got taped over. Then when I was 20 I bought a copy on DVD and took drugs and lost it and then did exactly that again but now I have it again! And I lost my shit, not having seen it in years and decided to make a track out of it featuring the main theme mixed in with parts of the battle theme. Great soundtrack. Real 80s. Anyway I put guitars in mine and it's dnb




I really hope you like it

Thank you for your time

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Thank you man, yeah I know, I tried everything and couldnt find a happy medium, this is as close as I could get, but youre on the money. It just got to the point where the drums started approaching 0db and I'd have to literallly turn everything else down by the same increment and it was already fucking my laptops CPU so I was like "this is as good as its gonna get"

Glad to hear you still dig it tho, cheers :)

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Awesome to hear from you again! It's been way too long.


Gave it a listen. Very nice texture in the distortion synth going on and sweet source material. Excellent ending too how it tapers off. However it's too loud and sounds overcompressed and the detail in the drums is a bit lost. Some panning might help a bit too. Otherwise pretty rocking and would love to hear it live.

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Thanks, yeah its those fucking guitars man, they threw me. I've been much better in mixing tracks lately but these fucking guitars..... they sound really quiet in mono but when you widen them they sound too fucking loud in headphones and not right in speakers, so it kinda fucked everything. Even the compression was difficult in this one, it sounds weak as fuck without it. Hard to find that sweet spot. I tried but I guess you cant win em all

Thx for your time

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What a fun listen!


I love the vision of it, I love the glitchy bits!


The mix is pretty bad though, and I mean that it the nicest way possible. How feasible would it be to bounce each track and try mixing it from the stems? The sound is so muddy, it sounds like you pushed it waaaaaaaaay too loud. Turn your monitors way up, turn down the track and try to get a clearer mix. Then either look into how to master it yourself, or see if you kind find a kind soul to master it for you! Turning up a quiet song is easy. Getting definition on an over compressed mix is nearly impossible.


If that sounded critical, let me tell you: I think you have an incredibly banging track there, and if you can make it shine a bit, it could well be a super highly sought after track.


Edit: If you need some comparison material for mixing/mastering, so much of it reminded me of Cyanotic, specifically the Medication Generation album. When I'm mixing/mastering, I sometimes find it useful to compare my track to a professionally produced track to get my levels in the right ball park for clarity.

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No youre absolutely right, thanks for being helpful; ive made a few changes that I think have cleared it up a little but at this point ive listened to it so much that every change I make sounds wrong and its starting to just get frustrating.

Ill upload the new version amd if it isnt better Iight upload stems if anyone is interested in having a crack at fixing it!! Ill be back within the hour with a new link. Thank you :)

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ahahah thankyou mister Delet, yeah this laptop has served me really well but there are times when things start running slow and being difficult that I start getting a little fed up! Also makes mixing and mastering decisions when I'm near to completing a track difficult because everything stutters like fuck.




So I've made a bunch of changed, honestly at this point I've no idea whether its better or not because I've just heard it too much, but if anyone would like to have a shot I can try to upload stems and stuffs.


Also I can't edit the original post, so if a mod could replace the link I would be very grateful, but I know you guys are busy so all good either way.

Thanks for the help and patience guys, I usually dont get this stuck eheh

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Guest brendyman

I didn't hear the old version, but I'm listening to the "improved" version right now and it doesn't sound awful. I feel like the stereo mix is a bit weird though, almost too wide? Otherwise it's good, composition and everything is great.

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Very well produced and great beat programming :) I honestly don't remember the Transformers theme melody, but I still like what I'm hearing. I have to agree with brendyman, though. The stereo mix is a bit toooo much and I also noticed that it seems to be a bit heavier in the left channel than in the right? Or maybe that's just my ears playing tricks on me :)

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Well im glad to hear it serms to have improved at least :) I have a feeling the stereo problems arw with the guitars. Its a thing that I encounter sometimes where a sound should have a little width but even the smallest touch of stereo blows it right out and makes it kinda hollow but leaving it mono sounds even worse.

Ive tried guys! Again thanks for your attention and patience but I think this us the best I can do with this for now. Onto the next track!

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