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Missingsense - Crown


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  • 2 months later...

I started going through these yesterday. My favorite might be a tie between Browsey and Way of the Derp. I also liked Crown and Lithium Sodium. I lean more toward the jungle-ish tracks, I think. That may be why I like Rorschach's Bermuda Shorts so much.


I usually think ambient tracks are boring, at least when they're sandwiched between songs with drum beats, but it wasn't that way with Ksjsvrgn. I really like that track. It's not the type of music I usually listen to, but still, in a strange way, I enjoy it even more than any song on the album. That track reminded me a lot of an Autechre song called Drane2 or something like that.


Have you listened to some of Global Goon's stuff from a few years back? Some of the tracks on here remind me of those.

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Hey mr Bitterlad, thanks for the review! I listened to Plastic Orchestra a lot before I started working on these tracks, which probably influenced me. Drane2 yeah, my track is a little less intricate probably. I was playing with the tempo shift in a loop, syncing everything to that.. Want to do more like that with beats actually but dunno how to accurately sync those to the same temposhifts.


Going to write more faster stuff in the future, got some stuff I'm working on.. but tbh I actually finished this one for a girls birthday... d'awwww

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