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The Disney Thread

Rubin Farr

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Discount that I wrote this, haters. This is an extension of my post in the space thread, recently I've been on a science kick, and didn't even realize there are hundreds of hours of Disney shit no one will ever see on Youtubes. "The Wonderful World of Disney" ran from 1969-1979 on network TV, and produced not only original programming, but also rebroadcast things like Disney shorts (that were only shown once theatrically with feature films) to educational videos produced for schools that were also only shown on film strip. This was decades before VHS or Betamax, so if you missed it on TV, you missed it for good. My point is, the obscure Disney stuff from the 1950s-1960s has not only the classic animation and music department working on it, they also got people like Orson Welles to do voice work, only Disney had that kind of pull back then, and was some of the most experimental stuff the company ever did, just look at Fantasia. I'm not idolizing the man, he was a racist who hated Jews, he sympathized with the Nazis in the 1930s, he turned his own people into the McCarthy hearings because he feared communism, and was a nicotine fiend that eventually killed him.
My point being, let's post the most obscure and brilliant shit you can find online. The Tomorrowland stuff was always my favorite (no, not that terrible movie), and I fear a lot of this brilliant animation has been lost to history, plus they're about to tear down a lot of Tomorrowland (at least in Anaheim) to make way for Star Wars land, so a lot of our younger members might be oblivious to this entire region of Disney history, and their kids won't even know it existed.






This contains Disney's first animated concept of the Jinn from Arabian Nights, a concept they would revisit 40 YEARS later in Aladdin, with almost the exact same color scheme.

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Be honest, do you have a Disney princess fetish?


I can tell you that when I was into UFOs I wanted one of them female aliens to abduct me and just have a night of passion making hybrid babies so surely you have fantasies of getting blown by snow white.


No judgment, we are all grown bros

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This is where it all began, Mickey Mouse is actually voiced by Walt Disney in this short:


just some obscure trailers for ya'll








classic Tim Conway / Don Knotts






This used to be an awesome ride at Disney World until they scuttled it in the 90s. And was also was the most expensive movie ever produced when it came out.




pre-hot Cosby (who knows maybe he raped the entire crew)










notice the same creepy guy does all the voiceovers for their ill fated horror genre in the late 70s-early-80s LOL (also known as Disney's "Dark Age"). those are some of my favorites.

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