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Tonight I met the "Earth Sherriff"...


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So, working in retail at the Mall of America gives me the opportunity to come across all kinds of customers quite regularly... Including some rather unique and odd folks.Tonight I encountered the self proclaimed "Earth Sherriff", this guy claimed he works in intelligence (which probably just means running his batshit website)





You guys gotta see this shit, it's like the epitome of tinfoil hattitude

He looked normal on appearance, like the kinda guy who could be some yuppie financial advisor or something... But, this dude proceeded to ramble to me for like 40 minutes about almost every cliche conspiracy theory and then some. As I stood kinda nodding along and giving the occasional "oh yeah, totally" type answer the topics moved from Illuminati, the NWO, stonemasons, 9/11, aliens, pyramids, real life vampires and dragons, JP "Captain" Morgan, how Apple and the corporations are controlling the economy, the Denver airport, to how Google suppresses the info on his website from search engines, etc... He was actually kinda hard to keep following along with, although he was well spoken, he shifted topics like every minute and jumped back to things randomly. Much like the way his website seems to read. It just goes on and on. Now I wont say there isn't some grain of truth to a few conspiracy theories out there and that some aren't without merit, but man, this guy was WAY off the deep end with this shit.

I even got pulled away by my manager to ring someone up at the registers and afterwards he found me again and continued spewing out this shit like he was preaching some kind of enlightened gospel to me. I finally managed to truly get away when another customer asked me if we sold a certain item that I knew we didn't have but went to go "check the back" for, when I came out he had left. We proceeded to look up the website on the computer in back. It's something else. I imagine this guy lives in a tinfoil wrapped apartment.

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