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A miracle has happend


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A wonder has happened!

As I said, I downloaded the suite demo version of ableton live 10 after I tried all DAWS that got suggested by others (reaper, studio 1)
I looked at them and said, they sure look complicated, this is not gonna work. I am not in the mood to relearn all basic DAW things. Its all so easy in Ableton.
Then while laying down I suddenly thought about the demo version of Ableton, I got up and decided to install it.

So that was wonder number 1, because I actually had used it previous year already and somehow it did not show up in my bought programs list (as it does now)
So I still had a chance to use it for 30 days.

In the time before, I had written a desperate email to the ableton support mail. I explained my situation and asked if they could help me in any way. I do not know if this mail has anything to do with what happened because I did not get an answer.

Now, what happened today that made me so exited you ask? Well, I log in on ableton and think: 26 more days...
And all of a sudden it says 86 more days active. I thought this was a bug or something and went to ableton website but it says also that you can download the demo version now and is active for 90 days!!!!!

This gives me enough time to save up to be able to buy the standard version, its 279€ for me because I already have the intro version, price of further upgrades drops when you have one of them already.

So me very happy now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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18 minutes ago, diatoms said:



I will surely do my best to drop some nice tunes. But I am very inexperienced in all the complicated stuff so yeah... will take a while to make something people will enjoy.

Untill then, I enjoy it and thats already a lot. I also bought some new headphones and they were only 25€. Someone suggested them to me because they have a neutral sound.


I mastered and mixed my latest tune with them and now it sounds so crystal clear. I heared it thru another headphone with bass boost, sounded good also, I listened to it thru my normal headphones for phone (the ones you have to put in your ears) sounded good on that too. But on my speakers it sounded a bit cloudy? I do not know a good word for it, as if there is abit of a filter on it to not let the high sounds pass?

I will upload it soon and then I hope some of you will do a listen or relisten and let me know how it sounds for you so I can try to adjust some things in the mastering and mixing if needed...


I will also remaster (and remix if necessary) my other tune.

Me so happy now!

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4 minutes ago, Tim_J said:

Sorry tldr...

What happened today that made you so excited? 

Now, what happened today that made me so exited you ask? Well, I log in on ableton and think: 26 more days...
And all of a sudden it says 86 more days active. I thought this was a bug or something and went to ableton website but it says also that you can download the demo version now and is active for 90 days!!!!!

This gives me enough time to save up to be able to buy the standard version, its 279€ for me because I already have the intro version, price of further upgrades drops when you have one of them already.

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