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Israeli-Palestinian conflict

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31 minutes ago, usagi said:

nothing will change. congrats, you killed tens of thousands of innocent people to get the top Hamas guy. the circumstances that created and supported Hamas have not changed, have in fact been further entrenched, so someone else will just step in. you've done little to make Hamas a nonviable entity.

the only thing that could put a pause on the killing and force the parties back to the negotiating table is if a greater power makes that happen, and that's not likely when that power is in the pocket of one of those parties. I say again, at least half the responsibility for this mass murder is on the US because of its - not even silent - but open endorsement.

yeah.. it sucks.  there's been times when a president could get israel to walk back from the abyss and chill out but no one is doing that. reagan did it.. eisenhower too i think.. also, netanyahu is a complete asshole and psycho w/all the right wingers all too happy to use oct 7th as an excuse to accelerate the ethnic cleansing plans and grab more territory and erase more palestinians who seem to only be thought of as an inconvenience to israel.  it's a sick sick sick... everything. 

there's a lot of people, young people, who learned what america is over the last year. this is business as usual. korea, vietnam, SE asia in general... south america etc.. lot's of dead civilians. 

as for hamas.. yeah.. nothing will change w/the death of that guy. israel had already decapitated the organization. they'd killed the top leaders already months ago except for that guy. 

there's a lot of people speculating about israel's future and how they don't really have one. so many people have left. young people are still leaving. young jews in other countries aren't supportive.. they're losing a generation who they thought would be zionists. this USA liberal rabbi had a melt down of sorts about it. 

i'm not full of predictions.. anything can happen.. but israel is a rogue state at this point and USA is just giving them whatever they want... at least until the election.. then who knows wtf..  biden isn't going to back away from israel and harris isn't going to break from this policy in a hard way until after the election if at all.. 


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