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Knob Twiddlers
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ignatius last won the day on July 26

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  1. edit: more sass.. i hope trump melts down often over the next couple months.
  2. it's real https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4792471-kamala-harris-campaign-trump-fox-news-president/ her campaign put it together. edit: they're showing some sass this go around... which is a nice change i guess.
  3. so, ya know all the minerals on the sea floor the mining companies want to scoop up? turns out all those rocks are a sort of geo battery. they naturally produced electricity and cause electrolysis which produces oxygen. lols. the mining company funded the research and aren't very happy. all that oxygen being produced creates O2 which makes sea life down there possible. oxygen being produced in the dark on the ocean floor w/o photosynthesis is pretty cool. what this may mean is that these rocks (nodules of minerals that take like a million years to be produced) shouldn't be mined because it'll fuck up something essential to life in the ocean.. this likely means that all those minerals cannot be mined to be used for batteries for electric cars etc. so crazy.
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