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  1. Can you not play it in the US? Tried to rip it today from Chrome but no luck No, I assume it'll be available for a bit next week but 5:15am is a big ask, as much as I love Plaid. Ah man that sucks, free to stream here in the UK at any time
  2. Can you not play it in the US? Tried to rip it today from Chrome but no luck
  3. Plaid - Live at tauron nowa muzyka 2016 https://www.rbmaradio.com/shows/main-stage/episodes/plaid-tauron-nowa-muzyka
  4. Bruce Brubaker - Metamorphosis 5 (Plaid Remix) http://thequietus.com/articles/18073-listen-bruce-brubaker-shows-and-remix
  5. That was the idea mate id rather you have them on the youtube channel in one place for the fans, fantastic though cheers for that!
  6. Okay a lot later than promised I have uploaded 2 tracks from the Manchester gig, recorded on an iPhone 4 so not amazing but not too bad either This track again using the new vocal effects they have been mastering http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbPh2XjAgQ8 This track was much tougher, really heavy beats http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf48vsGLEQ4 I'm not familiar how Youtube works for uploads but numbered them after ThePlaided's numbers
  7. I need to upload some of my vids from last nights Soundcontrol gig but need to get rid of this hangover first! Can't believe how much new material they played last night, well impressed though!
  8. subtract


    is it not available anymore on the original link? Unfortunately not, can anyone re-up this? would love to hear this early stuff
  9. subtract


    Ahhhh all sounds amazing, can anyone re-up this please??
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