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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Love your work Pac-Man, thanks! I hope RDJ takes a look Pacman, this stuff deserves to be used officially, keep shining and posting bruv! Nice work but that MFM artwork is not official in any way, shape or form.
  2. A bit premature based on an offhand comment...
  3. You really don't need your own label to release stuff anymore these days... sure, it helps, but with his popularity, he could self-release and do just fine.
  4. Just a heads up everyone: with E3 starting Monday, I'm going to create a dedicated E3 thread so we can discuss E3 stuff there and not donk up this thread with E3 posts.
  5. So wait - you MUST buy the Amiibos in order to play any of the bonus levels? Makes sense, as long as the bonus levels are not a majority of the game's content.
  6. Super Meat Boy coming to PS4 (at long last)! Capcom re-re-re-re-re-releasing Mega Man Legacy Collection on PS4 (and others) - only MM 1-6 though. BUT... Has a Challenges mode that "remixes" parts of the classic games with specific challenges a-la NES Remix, and if it has trophy support, I might just justify playing through MM 1-6 again... Funny they didn't throw in 7&8 (and 9&10) - but 7 and 8 were not 8-bit style...
  7. Have you played the new DLC for BoI (if you have the Wrath of the Lamb expansion)?
  8. No, it refers to WATMM Radio... coming soon
  9. Depends on what creams your twinkie. If you want a good arcade-style challenge, may I recommend Dead Nation on the PS4 - very hard, very challenging, and oh so rewarding. Actually, any game by Housemarque on the PS4 is worth it: Super Stardust Ultra Dead Nation Resogun
  10. If they are reading this, I'd like them to contact me about WATMM in general...
  11. If you mean by single player playing against others online, then yes. Playing by yourself, eh, not so much. YMMV. if you were considering it? don't. worst version of the game out right now. tons of problems. i'm currently in a support chat trying to get a refund... apparently it was covertly ported by some no name third party developer I got it - I've played Arcade all the way through so far, and the only odd thing I noticed was the character select screen loading a bit slowly due to that cheesy PowerPoint-like scrolling of the UI... They'll patch this fast - EVO 2015 is coming up and Ultra PS4 is the game they will be using (so far). there's already tweets my mr wizard saying he'll use the 360 version if it's not patched. shit just looks really bad with how high profile they're trying to make this capcom cup and forcing everyone to play the ps4 version. i've played a few training missions with poison and sakura and a handful of online matches. i've had a good bit of choppines/screen tearing in it and some serious lag spikes as if the netcode is somehow worse in this version on a console where you're required to pay for online multiplayer. half the time you try and enter a match it times out. lag tests are showing the input delay at over 8 frames. that's 2 frames more than the ps3 version. funny since the most recent marketing for this port was touting how they had reduced the input delay to "arcade perfect" status. of course i'm too big of a n00b to feel it. Yeah, I've been reading all the teeth-gnashing over this.... that whole lag frames issue is up for debate, since apparently the method they used added frames to the count. I'm also not hardcore enough to notice myself either. Apparently the blame is on Sony for hiring a shit developer and outsourcing this - I mean, for some smaller game, sure - but fucking Street Fighter? c'mon... and why didn't they just port the PC version, since apparently porting from PC to PS4 is easier than say PS3 --> PS4... Probably because the patch won't be ready anytime soon, but hopefully for EVO...
  12. Of many things... stay TUNED, don't touch that DIAL That live-action movie they are doing makes me die inside a little bit...
  13. If you mean by single player playing against others online, then yes. Playing by yourself, eh, not so much. YMMV. if you were considering it? don't. worst version of the game out right now. tons of problems. i'm currently in a support chat trying to get a refund... apparently it was covertly ported by some no name third party developer I got it - I've played Arcade all the way through so far, and the only odd thing I noticed was the character select screen loading a bit slowly due to that cheesy PowerPoint-like scrolling of the UI... They'll patch this fast - EVO 2015 is coming up and Ultra PS4 is the game they will be using (so far).
  14. Forum member XF and a few other folks have put together an AMAZING voting page for the SoundCloud tracks! As some of you may or may not know, Richard has mentioned that if there was some way of knowing what tracks were fan favourites, it would help him in putting together a tracklist for a potential release - so, now you can! Head on over to http://user18081971.watmm.com and vote for your top 20 tracks, all via a slick web app! You can log in via your SoundCloud account (don't have one - you might want to get one - it's FREE, and there will be more SoundCloud-related WATMM goodness coming soon - stay TUNED! HUGE props to XF and his team for putting this together so quickly!
  15. Fuck, now I have that sample stuck in my head!
  16. Probably due to the huge outcry of potentially needing to buy another peripheral that has an identical connector and buttons... (granted the PS3 sticks don't have "Share" and "Options" buttons, but I reckon those get/can be mapped to other buttons. Holy LOL
  17. I'm guessing this is another emulator, but the added bonus of being able to read carts is nice for folks who still own the physical stuff.
  18. New game console coming soon in Japan that plays all the old classic console games: http://www.cybergadget.co.jp/retrofreak/ This is by far the most impressive retro console I have seen yet.
  19. Watched a livestream of Splatoon on Wii U last night - game is pretty good, looks fun - definitely a change from the standard shooter. The only thing I see hurting this game's chances are Nintendo not supporting it with DLC after it comes out quickly enough (I'm looking at you Mario Kart 8), and the relatively small Wii U userbase (and probably even smaller online Wii U userbase that's not playing SSBWiiU). The Wii U is looking pretty barren for the remainder of the year, and I'm not sure the influx of indie titles that have been on PC/other consoles for ages now will help much.
  20. Indeed - lots of xf-enhanced goodness coming soon...
  21. That's how I took it I reluctantly agree What if as he added new tracks to the SoundCloud, they'd appear on a page to be voted on? It would be kind of neat to have a dynamic page where at any time the top SoundCloud tracks could be seen, either by community votes, or by plays/favourites from SC...
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