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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Bloodborne keeps getting more and more surreal... and some areas are pure nightmare fuel. Remember those squid-headed like guys from Dark Souls? There's a variant in Bloodborne... more like the traditional Mind Flayers from D&D, and just as terrifying.
  2. Quoted for truth. KEEP THE COLUNDI ALIVE! Apparently Grant reached out to a Mod and asked for this to be unpinned after I questioned why...
  3. Just beat the Shadow(s) of Yarnhim boss in Bloodborne... getting more and more amazing as time goes along. Insight/Frenzy is this game's World Tendency from Demon's Souls, but better executed/thought out.
  4. Geometry Wars 3 on PS4 is great - out now, BTW. Bloodborne is getting more and more amazing as we play it - I love the fast-paced combat and those counterattacks... so satisfying when you pull them off!
  5. If you're getting anywhere near 60 fps then you need to tell me where you got your magic ps4 haha. The game is capped at 30 but seems to dip to around 24 an awful lot. Anyhow, have you beaten any bosses yet? I'm 3 hours in and haven't yet, but I'm REALLY taking my time since I heard this game is much shorter than the previous games. Lots of deaths but I'm loving it so far. Is it capped at 30? I guess the "soap opera effect" on my 70" Sharp is making it smoother than it actually is... so those dips I'm seeing is actually it going into the 20's like you are seeing... I haven't gotten to the first boss yet (I suspect my son by this time has since he didn't work today) - the giant rats in the sewer were fun, but the really tall skinny guy with the spear rekt my shit more than once... and the ogre with the hatchet! Haven't managed to kill him yet. Based on what I see in the Hunter's Dream, you might be right - it looks like there is (at least initially) only 5 areas... but like you, we take our time exploring. That's half the fun!
  6. Played a bit of Bloodborne last night with my son; so far, pretty damn amazing - visuals are intricate, framerate tries valiantly to keep at 60 but did notice a few dips here and there. Overall, I like the change in gameplay - the combat encourages more aggressive gameplay, and the life reclamation gimmick is interesting. Enemies are interesting and varied as always, and dem crows! LOVE the crows! So creepy.
  7. Stay tuned, folks - everyOne might still be in for a surprise or two...
  8. You listen to a little input about Bloodborne but you ignore waves of criticism about The Order 1886 which you are still going to buy? Wait, wat? You must be insane to even consider buying The (dis)Order: 1886! Unless, you know, it was free on PSN+ one day - even then I would probably pass...
  9. Yeah it's getting neat reviews from both reviewers and players but I don't know. I hated every second of Dark Souls and this looks eerily familiar. Don't have a whole lot of money (and time outside of the weekends) for games these days either, so it's a lot of money to throw away on something I maybe won't be able to enjoy. Don't know why they don't just throw a dirty casual mode in there already. Wouldn't hurt anyone. Haven't played it yet, but for me the appeal it IS like the Souls games, but with some variations that make it sound refreshing and interesting. Honestly, if you didn't like any prior Souls games, I would try before you buy on Bloodborne.
  10. Get a PS4 Since my son is working I am going to exercise great restraint and not play Bloodborne until he gets home...
  11. It's not that ugly - only the main character design is (IMO) - otherwise, it's a nice pixel-based game.
  12. Picked up Jamestown on PS4 yesterday - nice retro shump - reminds me of SNES/NEO·GEO shooters back in the 90's.
  13. For me the whole EP is fantastic, but nothing beats Opalisk - fucking amazing!
  14. Sometimes I worry that scammers out there would take advantage of this trend for the sole purpose of syphoning money, then either pull the plug on the game before it's finished or simply leave it unfinished. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Read this and lol / worry Peter Molyneux is a habitual liar... he's ruined his rep in the industry. yeah it has a built in level editor. I guess you have to finish the game first? or maybe it's a command line parameter that you have to run to get into it edit: apparently the level editor part isn't finished yet! that's kinda not cool, considering that the game was already delayed at least once. Would you rather they released a buggy piece of shit? I just miss the days when a game was released and it was done. You know, back around 1998. Games are far more complex than they were back in 1998... I guess I'm the only person in the world that thinks this situation we have where games are released in completely sub-par states (Aliens: Colonial Marines, Grand Theft Auto 4), or are released requiring patches within days (Alien vs Predator 2010) is unacceptable. Those games weren't made by small studios, either. But it's okay, they get a pass because games are far more complex now. I think the vast majority of games released are finished and relatively bug-free; only the high-profile games seem to get bad press for day-one patches or broken features on launch. I think the positive trade-off here is now developers can patch and fix their games if there is a bug, versus in the old days, once the discs were pressed and sent out, that was it - or worse, the game committed to a ROM cartridge... ja and it's always the biggest budget games making the biggest promises but also being held to the strickest deadlines by shareholders. the games aren't done when the developers are finished. they're done when it's time for them to come out. mgs5 is probably the next big budget purchase for me. would love to see it have a rock solid launch but since it's coming out in sept i'll def wait for a black friday deal to scoop it and hope any bugs are patched out by then. oh and madcatz just announced a 3 year deal with capcom for street fighter v so there's basically no hope for them to have legacy stick support. sucks because all the current gen sticks are butt ugly and have all kinds extended angular edges for no apparent reason. hori does have a ps3/4 stick for $150 tho. pretty sure my gf will kill me if i buy another one though... Justify it by saying you need it for SFV and Tekken 7... and Guilty Gear, and [insert future fighting game here]
  15. yeah it has a built in level editor. I guess you have to finish the game first? or maybe it's a command line parameter that you have to run to get into it edit: apparently the level editor part isn't finished yet! that's kinda not cool, considering that the game was already delayed at least once. Would you rather they released a buggy piece of shit? I just miss the days when a game was released and it was done. You know, back around 1998. Games are far more complex than they were back in 1998... I guess I'm the only person in the world that thinks this situation we have where games are released in completely sub-par states (Aliens: Colonial Marines, Grand Theft Auto 4), or are released requiring patches within days (Alien vs Predator 2010) is unacceptable. Those games weren't made by small studios, either. But it's okay, they get a pass because games are far more complex now. I think the vast majority of games released are finished and relatively bug-free; only the high-profile games seem to get bad press for day-one patches or broken features on launch. I think the positive trade-off here is now developers can patch and fix their games if there is a bug, versus in the old days, once the discs were pressed and sent out, that was it - or worse, the game committed to a ROM cartridge... Agreed; Sony is far behind Google and others when it comes to security for PSN - another high-profile breach will force them to address this eventually.
  16. 3DS I take it? The media tends to sensationalize these things... probably in the high minority of incidents like this.
  17. Yes, that's correct - nobody pays anything if it doesn't reach it's goal... that's the safeguard Kickstarter offers. I'm hopeful it will reach it and be another innovative way to share/release music - plus, how cool would it be to go somewhere and hear the music you backed as part of the installation? The mind (wire) reels...
  18. Just to clarify, Aleksi is not profiting from this - as it says in the Kickstarter, 100% of the profits go towards purchase of a property or properties - your contribution gets you colundi Level 9 as a digital download, and you own a part of whatever properties are purchased with the proceeds of this Kickstarter. I think it's a pretty neat idea, and fits well with the whole colundi aesthetic... but isn't 8 the one on the wire recording? Yes, that's right - I was saying this is a bit easier to obtain in terms of quantity...
  19. Just to be clear, I am just managing the Kickstarter, and was asked to help manage and promote it. It's certainly an interesting idea, and I suppose the easiest way to get Level 9 (versus a wire reel recording). Yes, a download of colundi Level 9 will be provided to anyone who backs at 30.00USD or more - from what I understand, it's about an hour's worth of music.
  20. Boom. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/watmmofficial/the-colundi-sequence-level-9-colundi-everyone
  21. There's a reason for that... you'll see - in about a hour or less I reckon... 10... 9...
  22. yeah it has a built in level editor. I guess you have to finish the game first? or maybe it's a command line parameter that you have to run to get into it edit: apparently the level editor part isn't finished yet! that's kinda not cool, considering that the game was already delayed at least once. Would you rather they released a buggy piece of shit? I just miss the days when a game was released and it was done. You know, back around 1998. Games are far more complex than they were back in 1998...
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