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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Just platinumed Rocket League last night... amazingly fun game. Also bought and downloaded Balloon Fight... because Iwata.
  2. Just to save me some time... can you (or anyone) identify for me which tracks from "that tape" (I refuse to call it that) have appeared as SC tracks?
  3. Excellent work as always, xf - hopefully whatever release(s) come from this have a slight mention of your efforts on them!
  4. Looks like Fizzgig from The Dark Crystal:
  5. That game has been in development hell since it was announced, and looks terrible to boot. Ikaragi should have stuck to his oversized fighting boobs.
  6. Haha, nice! Never cared much for the LEGO games, but this trailer looks fun.
  7. Interesting that it's Rebirth, and not Afterbirth, the expansion to Rebirth that's coming out soon... and only New 3DS - apparently they couldn't get Unity engine to run on the old 3DS hardware...
  8. Wohooooo, thanks a lot... This is just great news... Warp needs to go at Warp speed or just hire a new pressing plant just for the rdj releases With the resurgence in vinyl, the few remaining pressing plants worldwide are struggling to keep up with demand - after they all downsized, and the equipment fell into disrepair, they thought vinyl would fade away...
  9. That's an American holiday, you silly trout. But even the American revolution had a premiere date...
  10. Colundi Level 12... https://aleksiperala.bandcamp.com/album/the-colundi-sequence-level-12 The Colundi Sequence Level 12 by Aleksi Perala
  11. Haha, brilliant name (and good picks too)
  12. DS2SotFS obviously! That's probably what I'm gonna get at after NG+/dungeon completion in Bloodborne. I also have The Last of Us sitting on my hard drive, untouched... Sent using magic space waves But also yeah, the ending of Demon's Souls is great. Can't wait to do it again one day when I can get another PS3 and try to focus on the World Tendency system more. Sent using magic space waves Or better yet they release a PS4 edition of Demon's Souls...
  13. I've found myself drawn back to RESOGUN (PS4 launch game from Housemarque) - the weekly challenges as well as all the extra stuff they added in have made it a twin-stick shooter I keep coming back to over and over...
  14. Let me know if moving this to WATMM's server would help (in addition to the hosting the tracks in case SC goes kaput)
  15. NEO·GEO AES: do you own one, joy ? Sadly, DID - I sold it all off in my early 20's to buy a car. I was a NEO·GEO fanatic - I had the gold system, 38 games (yes, do the math) and even ran a fanzine that got SNK's attention (it was my first foray into fandom stuff which lead to WATMM eventually). When I look at how much the games are worth now, and beyond that, just how amazing the box art and overall quality of the whole thing was... I really regret it. I'm pretty sure if I didn't get out of gaming in my early 20's to start a family, career, etc. I probably would be running some sort of gaming site nowadays...
  16. don't forget 2 use your bells, you get a lot of souls for helping people and if you find a hard boss, just call for help! running the same route and killing the same enemies is part of the game how much it is frustrating it can also be fun fuck i died and i left my 50000 bloodsouls out there i can still get em...fuck i'm dead again right now i'm at nightmare of nemsis, i don't no where else to go and all i can do is run cause everything is killing me Then you are weak - you need to level up, and make sure your Insight is not too high or the Brain Trust will rek you Aside from necessary leveling, running past the first part from the elevator until you get to the entrance across the bridge actually isn't a bad idea to avoid the Frenzy missles and rock giants.... I'm so close to getting platinum on this game, but the fucking Pthumerian descendant in the final chalice dungeon is a real cunt. Yeah, he's real fun, eh?
  17. don't forget 2 use your bells, you get a lot of souls for helping people and if you find a hard boss, just call for help! running the same route and killing the same enemies is part of the game how much it is frustrating it can also be fun fuck i died and i left my 50000 bloodsouls out there i can still get em...fuck i'm dead again right now i'm at nightmare of nemsis, i don't no where else to go and all i can do is run cause everything is killing me Then you are weak - you need to level up, and make sure your Insight is not too high or the Brain Trust will rek you
  18. I can't believe you're playing an HD console on a non-HD CRT! Must look like shiiiiiiiiit.... If space is a concern, you could get a nice 27" 1080P monitor for your desktop/laptop and do double duty as a secondary monitor for your PC and your console...
  19. Why not just get a cheap 50" LCD that is around 300 bucks? Projectors require too many prerequisites to be useful, and honestly a 300 dollar projector is going to be a sub-par experience (not really bright, lucky if it even supports 720p, etc.).
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