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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. The new guilty gear looks so pretty. Did you see the Blazblue finals at EVO this year by chance? It was absolutely crazy. No, I didn't - hook us up with some YouTube love, mang! supposedly the skullgirls dev has created drivers for most ps3 sticks to work with ps4. hopefully these can be patched into most games although i imagine companies like madcatz may pay devs not to implement them so they can sell new sticks. really don't want to have to buy a new one for this gen. evo2k14 blazblue finals: regarding ds2, are you missing out by not playing through demon's souls or ds1 before jumping into ds2? i'd probably grip the ps4 version for I've played all three extensively, and I like the Souls series I'll play DSII on PS4 all the way through again.
  2. FUCKING YES! Dark Souls II for PS4/XBONE/PC/PS3/360 with new DLC!
  3. The new guilty gear looks so pretty. Did you see the Blazblue finals at EVO this year by chance? It was absolutely crazy. No, I didn't - hook us up with some YouTube love, mang!
  4. FUCKING LOL I sell propane, and propane accessories, and now I'm gonna kick your ass!
  5. Played Smash Bros Friday and part of Saturday - fun, especially with multiple players, but I fear it's Mario Kart all over again - fun for the first few weeks unlocking things, then it gets stale fast. Went back to Binding of Issac - still fun, still trying to unlock all the characters. Played some Resogun (still fun after all this time and still one of the PS4 best shumps) in preparation for Geometry Wars 3 that comes out tomorrow - looks fantastic, and I was always jealous of the XBOX crowd for having the first two games. Supposedly we'll also get a Guilty Gear Xrd Sign demo for PS4 - I want to try it and see if it is as fun as BlazBlue.
  6. i just had an amazing run cleared every room with ease HOLY SHIT what did you pick up to make your tears that big?
  7. The Wii LAN adapter will work, as will most USB 2.0 LAN adapters for laptops. On Amazon, this is the one I've been thinking about getting: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00F41TWAO/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2PBRJ4WIKCI3U&coliid=I2D63BPR9BROBK&psc=1
  8. Ha, how little you know - some smaller games rely on strong sales to pay the developers - if the game gets pirated and very little if any profit is made, some folks don't get paid, or get paid and then are out of a job because there's no income to fund the next project. Even the big studios, if a game does not meet their profit expectations, usually the staff of said game is laid off - and if you think piracy doesn't precipitate that... Smash Bros has shipped, arriving tomorrow - I am excite! Gonna rek shit wit da Duck Hunt Dog!
  9. You're not wrong there: (not my shot btw) Is this how the game looks while you're playing it, or is this more than a screenshot (e.g.: photography mode, with AAA and filters applied)?
  10. same, but for me the reason is the album, track titles, and interviews from the time all seem to broadcast "the world is doomed, we're tired, and fuck you." That cured me of my fandom like a splash of cold water in the face. I think it's actually their most boring album, message-wise - it beats you over the head with the doom scenario It's funny that it took up to TH for you to see BOC's message has always been bleak - even parts of TCH, while generally a "happy" album, have wistful, dark overtones. I wouldn't say that their albums were always sad. I think that it all boils down to balance and good taste (of the band). Music Has The Right To Children does have some sad tracks, but it's not Tomorrow's Harvest sad- it's more about leaving your precious years behind, all your friends and places you've been to for something new. Geogaddi? Well, it's very trippy. It's definitely a screwed up album- but it's not 100% bleak like Tomorrow's Harvest. Oh and you just can't convince me that TCH (EP&LP) are as dark as TH! And then Tomorrow's Harvest comes along, its message completely clear, just like its setting. And that lack of subtlety makes me feel weird about TH Well, I'd say Geogaddi is much darker than TH, and much more overt about it's message, even though that message isn't as explicitly stated compared to TH. LOL, you are so off base with those assumptions/statements... you know nothing about these guys' personal lives, and to assume that drugs are the reason why the album didn't meet your lofty expectations... your post is bordering on insulting, really - I know if I read that assumption about myself, I'd be pretty furious (even it was closer to the mark than I'd want to admit) for some fan to assume they have even an inkling about my personal life and how it affects my professional work. these guys are obviously aware of their own legacy. because of that, I'm positive they approach their shit very seriously. anyone questioning their 'integrity' needs to really check themself. they are not cashing in on anything. I'm sure they stressed and stressed about delivering a concise and quality piece. and they did. lumpy, you shoukd know best about pre and post fatherhood. they went through many changes as a group, and as individuals over the decade in between releases. whether you have kids, or lose a family member, or get married, etc. major life events occur over that long of a timeline. that will be reflected in any artistic output, be it a painter, musician, scientist or whatever. holding an artist to your own preconceived notions is doing a disservice to the artist imo. not sure how to end this post. Finally, the voice of reason! These guys (all of them) take their work very seriously - anyone to assume for instance that Richard just does stuff for a laugh really needs to re-examine his work, and the amount of care put into it. Raising kids is a huge, time-consuming endeavour, and it is very difficult to balance that with a craft like music making that requires hours and hours of attention - you can't just bang a track out in 20 minutes and then go back to changing nappies. Music is a hugely personal and creative process - even if an artist releases something I hate, I can still appreciate the amount of effort they put into it. Music is a lot like lighting too - sometimes, it only strikes once, and will NEVER strike in the same place or with the same intensity twice.
  11. i've watched a ton of don't starve let's plays on youtube and ended up buying it only to realize it wasn't as fun to actually play as it was to watch someone else play it. It was free for PS4 on PSN+... I really tried getting into it, but was just boring IMO. Finally got my first Mom kill on Binding of Issac... I dunno if I'll come back to it, as the randomness of it is too random - there's no real way to plan a build so you can complete the game in a satisfying way (that probably was intentional). I was lucky and was pretty OP when I got to Mom, so she went down quick. This Friday - Super Smash Bros! I've also been playing a free shump on the iPhone (I know, LOL) called Sky Force - looks really nice on the iPhone 6 Plus, and keeps me challenged. Controls aren't bad for a touch interface, but I know I'd do way better with a pad.
  12. Hell yes - I'd love to see a HD 2.5D Castelvania (none of that 3D nonsense). i don't even want 2.5d gimme sprites or gimme death Sprites are nice, but in the right context - but hand-drawn HD stuff is amazing when done right. i always hate how hand drawn stuff usually only illustrates a handful of frames then the separate out the parts and do that ugly flash style hinge joint and inflation effect to create movement (ie dust, dragons crown, etc.) don't know if it's 2.5 or what you'd call the animation style, but i really like the way the animation is being done for guilty gear xrd. 3d models broken up into 2d style animations. looks fuckin' dope Yes! Guilty Gear is exactly what I'm talking about (with you on the Dragon's Crown Flash-esque animations) - same they spent so much time drawing all that stuff only to cheap out in the end. I really want a PS4 BlazBlue or Persona fighting game!
  13. Hell yes - I'd love to see a HD 2.5D Castelvania (none of that 3D nonsense). i don't even want 2.5d gimme sprites or gimme death Sprites are nice, but in the right context - but hand-drawn HD stuff is amazing when done right.
  14. Hell yes - I'd love to see a HD 2.5D Castelvania (none of that 3D nonsense).
  15. same, but for me the reason is the album, track titles, and interviews from the time all seem to broadcast "the world is doomed, we're tired, and fuck you." That cured me of my fandom like a splash of cold water in the face. I think it's actually their most boring album, message-wise - it beats you over the head with the doom scenario It's funny that it took up to TH for you to see BOC's message has always been bleak - even parts of TCH, while generally a "happy" album, have wistful, dark overtones. I think TH is just more overt about it, due to the theme of the album. I do think the time between had an effect on some people's expectations of the music - the more they waited, and hoped, and repeatedly listened to the back catalogue, it reinforced fans' preconceptions of what their new music would sound like (or they expected it to sound like) - when they finally heard it, I suspect the refinement, and somewhat different approach they took with the tracks on TH were far enough removed from previous BOC tracks (although I suspect some tracks might be older than TCH, possibly even Geogaddi) that it caused a disconnect. The reality is some still don't like TCH even though it's a great album (but not one I personally find myself returning to very much), and there are folks who initially dismissed TH, but now after some time, have come to see it in a different light - possibly as a result of being "turned off" of BOC by their initial disappointment of TH. I myself liked TH when it came out - but found myself not listening to it or skipping tracks on a regular basis, barring the few obvious standouts. Fast forward to a year later, and it's like I listened to it the very first time - and really, my suggestion to anyone is listen to this with a good set of headphones, at a decent volume - there are tiny things that get lost listening normally that pop out - it really shows the complexity and the care that BOC took in crafting these tracks. Music is funny.
  16. Honestly this is pretty much exactly how I feel about Tomorrow's Harvest. Still spin it regularly. Maybe it's because I like the juxtaposition of seeing the art on my wall right next to my window looking out over Manhattan, and the eerie parallels thereof... (: Even though it's a picture of San Francisco? in. your. opinion.
  17. Yeah, I wonder what they've been up to... Oh come on man!!!! Please please please drop us a boards nugget, it'll make my week/month/year! joyrex knows as much as we do in the boc department, he just uses ellipses to look mysterious! Yeah... Certainly - good thing Tomorrow's Harvest was a further evolution of their sound, and not a rehash of their past.
  18. Well, you certainly aren't the only one who probably has had issues - why not start researching/troubleshooting to see if you can figure out the problem? *pops LotF in PS4, waits a few seconds, starts playing* Enjoy your PC gaming!
  19. Yeah, I wonder what they've been up to...
  20. I've found myself listening to the album a LOT recently - I think it works especially well as a complete album (from start to finish), just like a soundtrack to a film, which I heavily suspect that was BOC's intent with the themes on this album. I really think people may have dismissed this too quickly when it was first released, as I find the tracks as iconic and classic as anything they've put out in the past. It also shows a clear evolution in their sound, and that might be why some don't like it - they were expecting more of what BOC previously did. Add to the fact there was an 8-year gap in their last output and Tomorrow's Harvest, I think that even more reinforced the expectation for it to sound more like their prior work.
  21. Try adjusting your screen brightness (in the game options) - there's a lot of detail in the background you are missing out on. It's a pretty long game - if you're trying to complete it 100%, you won't look forward trying to clear it on Hard (I finally gave up/lost interest ages ago) will try that when i get home. by "clear" i just meant beat it on normal. opened up the final temple last nite before bed so could probably get through it pretty easy this evening. do you have to complete looking for collectibles entering the temple or will it allow you to go back and complete it after you've beaten meios? is there a new game+ or just hard mode? Be warned (and the game will warn you too) - once you go into the final area, you cannot go back - so if you haven't maxed out your health/energy etc., do that before attempting the final stage. It's fairly challenging, but if you managed to get through the rest of the game with relative ease, you should be fine. Once you beat the game, it starts over and you change the difficulty - so unless you're going for the platinum trophy (or whatever they call 100% complete on XBOX), once you beat the game, you're pretty much done.
  22. Try adjusting your screen brightness (in the game options) - there's a lot of detail in the background you are missing out on. It's a pretty long game - if you're trying to complete it 100%, you won't look forward trying to clear it on Hard (I finally gave up/lost interest ages ago)
  23. I felt the same way until I put the filter on. Oh there's an option for that? HOPE Don't hope for much - it makes it look worse, IMO - instead of semi-anti-aliased edges, you get even more semi anti-aliased edges. If you're gonna do pixel art, at least do it right (see: Rogue Legacy or Shovel Knight). Gross! I hate the style in Rogue Legacy. No care was put into it to keeping sprites a consistent ratio, images flipping around due to programming written into game mechanics (ie. When you get that 'flat' trait and turning left to right just flips the image.) When pixels in the game are inconsistent sizes with one another then it sort of loses that true pixelart aesthetic. ...? Theres nothing 'pixelart done right'-y about that game at all!! (heh i really dont like that game in general sorry sorry sorry) You're right - I had forgotten about the main character sprite. The rest of the sprites are fine, though.
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