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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. On my list to fix - and add some new stuff that's come my way...
  2. Finally started watching The Expanse as it was recommended to me over and over again by various peeps - I gotta say, enjoying it so far (9 episodes into the first season).
  3. ayyy. (the lack of quotes-within-quotes after the forum upgrade is really not good) @usagi - ProTip - highlight the quotes and then use the "quote selected text" balloon that pops up to get that effect again.
  4. I honestly don't see where "mental health" or whatever Trumpkin and the Republicants like to pin incidents like this on comes into play - the fact that any US citizen can legally get their hands on weaponry meant for the battlefield is the real core issue. Want a shotgun or pistol to defend yourself/your property? Sure, go for it. I personally don't think individual gun ownership is necessary, but I can respect that some people feel they need to. Want a weapon designed for indiscriminate mass-killing because you feel it's your right to own for no other reason than just because? No. And this shit will continue to happen and repeat itself until somebody with the authority and willpower to do so decides to take a stand. Trump could secure his legacy as a President by doing just this, which is akin to the hollow promises he made to get elected about "draining the swamp, etc." - if he enacted a nationwide, permanent ban on civilian ownership of semiautomatic weaponry, he'd go down in history as a President that made a lasting and effectual change on American society. Ironically though if he took that stance, he'd probably be assassinated by the very weapons he would try and ban. The NRA is weak right now; this would be the perfect time to launch such an initiative.
  5. @andrd - for some silly reason search flooding was set to 20 seconds! I've removed that so you shouldn't have any further issues. @darreichungsform - Discogs/Bandcamp/SoundCloud links under avatars now should open in a new tab/window.
  6. Well, yes of course - I'll take a look at the Group settings which likely will control this (but shouldn't have changed since the forum upgrade). I think I can add a "target="_blank"" to those URLs.
  7. Not counting the transition tracks, that's an average of 12 minutes per track!
  8. I just noticed the TOOL logo on the album cover is nicely palindromic...
  9. No; I just tried it myself, and was able to paginate through several pages with no issues - you're getting a message talking about having to wait x minutes before searching again?
  10. Opera (as far as I can recall) switched rendering engines to the same one Chrome uses, so there shouldn't be any major differences in terms of how the site/editor behaves. When the forum software was upgraded so was the editor, so that likely coincided with you seeing the issue. RE: Highlighting text blocks - you can actually quote portions of a post by highlighting the text you want and then a small balloon will appear which gives you the ability to quote the highlighted text (like a shortcut). I recently switch our DNS/CDN to CloudFlare - if anything, I've gotten reports that the site has gotten faster...
  11. Not seeing it on my end... haven't made any changes to the forum itself other than turning on the member-to-member chat feature in CHATMM, but that shouldn't impact loading performance.
  12. I agree - maybe what I do is remove the user info altogether (beyond user group and posts) and have the rest appear in the hovercard. Those pips are fairly pointless too (the dots that indicate your overall post count). Good suggestions!
  13. As always, me - I've got some server-related issues I need help sorting out (and @very honest has generously offered his assistance - I just need to get him access), and I also need to move our storage to Wasabi so we have the space for all the wonderful tracks that will be submitted (hopefully). Another aspect of this is getting the Pages module going so we have a page dedicated for the compilation, and a place users can submit their tracks, and a way for users to vote on them.
  14. I guess from a novelty perspective offering a cassette version would be an option... I myself really would like to see a vinyl version - just love the format. Not so much for listening though.
  15. Your opinion is noted (I was just playing around with some SVG patterns). Would WATMM logos be more appropriate?
  16. This is the only Egg I am down with:
  17. Agreed on the brioche - best borgar bred evar. Ever try a pretzel bun? I've had a few borgars here and there with them, and they are pretty tasty too:
  18. You would think that, but I've had some abominations that were nowhere near being worthy of being labeled a borgar. There's a place here (Bernie's Burger Bus) that serves a burger that uses two grilled cheese sandwiches as the buns: I mean, how the fuck do you even eat that borgar?
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