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Posts posted by zkom

  1. I loved Westfjords also. Out of the way of tourists and suitably barren for me. :) I was in the Eastern part and at the end of the road there is this geothermal pool called Krossneslaug in the beachfront that is open 24h a day. Just drop 500ISK (about 3.4 euros) in the box if no personel is present. We were bathing there at midnight. :ok:


    Not my picture, but anyway:


  2. I've always found Slug Dub's bassline funny. It has a life of it's own.


    In general the album has a shitload of layers and you can just follow one layer for a while and then switch to another, alternating differently on every listening.





    I added a wee bit of filtering to make me look prettier. (taken after a 55km hike)




    Wow, these two are great. We'ze artists up in hea~ Ahahaha... The ghost/hologram/whatever thing. What the hell.



    Are you questioning my skillz with PicsArt??? :catrage:





    Posting accidentally to the fw successes thread..

    lol.... how's your successful summer flu? :emotawesomepm9:


    (hope you feel better though, seriously hate the flu, I tend to get it once a year)



    Otherwise I'm starting to be fine but my nose keeps getting clogged and I keep pumping Otrivin to my nostrils. Which can lead to a vicious cycle so I need to cut that down.


    But FWP: I'm in Iceland and I went to a supermarket and there was no beer! Fuck. On the upside I have a bottle of Finnish salmiak liqueur in my backpack.

  5. But TBH what would you write that alludes an actual Ae release?


    Out In the Confield with Autechre

    Autechre: Who Exaictly Are They?

    Autechre: Untilted and Uncensored

  6. just try to imagine how science might work if there wasn't some objective reality to which our subjective experiences refer

    (it wouldn't)


    Yes, I don't think there are personal realities. That seems pretty unlikely. But maybe something more akin to the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. Not a single objective reality but constantly branching new parallel realities. Just a hypothetical thought.

  7. I suppose there is some objective reality that is the same for everybody. Or maybe not, whatever. But there are no objective observers. Everybody is just seeing the shadows on the cave walls and making their own interpretations. Most people see the same shadows, because we are really similar because we're all humans: similar senses, nervous systems, etc. "Consensus reality" for me is the set of commonly acknowledged interpretations for the commonly observed phenomena.

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