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Posts posted by zkom

  1. is fainted, if you didn't actually know. I don't know why people breed those goats, it's clearly not very nice to bring animals into the world with that problem, just so you can say that you own one.


    What I understood their original use was to protect other animals from predators. Say a wolf would attack a sheep herd which had also these goats. The goats would faint, the wolf would eat the fainted goats and the sheep would be saved. :catcry:

  2. not that I know a lot about this, but seems like consciousness is often seen in a binary fashion, either you have it or you don't.

    sorry if this sounds like wank:


    but even in humans, throughout the day, your level of consciousness varies wildly, and also probably quite a bit between humans.

    when asleep, when obsessively videogame, drunk, stoned, loving, working, meditating, all different levels of consciousness.

    and we can be unconscious.

    maybe rocks are conscious but in a really slow way,

    personal conclusion: everything is conscious to a degree.



    Yeah, I also think consciousness is a spectrum instead of a yes/no thing. I feel it's a kind of loopback in the mind where your mind starts to analyze it's own thoughts instead of just the outside sensory stuff and there are different levels how well you are able to do that. For example is it possible to translate your own thoughts to some abstract symbolic framework like language or spatial reasoning.


    Just a note which might be useful (or not) to this thread - I heard an interesting theory that basically consciousness is an error - like, it appears when there is some kind of malfunction. As long as things function smoothly, consciousness is not required, but when there is some kind of deadlock, consciousness arises.


    I'd have to do a bit of searching to clarify it more, but I hope you get the gist.


    There's apparently two different kinds of logical thinking, the things you can solve in your head without conscious effort, like things you know very well; and problems that need conscious thinking because they are too hard to be automatically solved or you haven't practiced enough yet. So when your brain is just going through things as usual you don't really need consciousness but when some new or hard things come along you have to become aware of your own thinking.

  3. The trippiest thought experiment I've ever encountered was the one about getting all the people in the world and having each person perform the duties of a neuron (or group of neurons, or higher-level 'module') to whatever degree of detail is required to produce consciousness.


    How do you know this isn't already happening?



    Humanity's the most schizophrenic person I know of.


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