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Posts posted by zkom

  1. While the instruments in Sadeness are definetely corny: the Gregorian choir, pan flutes, etc, the subject matter is a little bit more edgier than the usual new age blandness. I mean it's about Marquis de Sade. So it isn't that typical new age track.

  2. Yeah, I was going to post Deep Forest. Just heard it recently coming from a hippie store. Fffuck.


    There was also this group that mixed native American singing with some new age synths? I can't remember the name.

    • Haha 1
  3. Alex did record the sounds of plants rustling for the Dave Gilmour collaboration album - so that's something.



    Lol, it looks like they just sent him out of the way. "Go record some .. plants or something."


    Actually I've done this myself. Going around with a Zoom and recording breaking branches and shit..

  4. Had many wonderful times with the FFWD as a college student with too much free time on his hands.


    I have the Space album as a single mp3 stashed somewhere but haven't really listened to it that much. What I remember hearing is Cauty getting angry at Alex and claiming that Alex is only a DJ while Cauty himself is an "artist". As I understand three albums were created by that break up process: The Orb's Ultraworld, The KLF's Chill Out and the Space album. They all use material from the Cauty and Paterson collaborations in Trancentral and Land of Oz.


    I haven't been able to enjoy Orb since I read that thing wrote by their former member.

    It's just mad


    lol the Orb gossip is outstanding. A bit of a shame Weston apparently hates Fehlmann cos I love Felhmann


    Still, it's no reason not to enjoy their stuff. Perhaps it's best to look at Orb as an umbrella for a variety of artists (who just so happen to hate eachother), instead of a single coherent group





    Also I'd like to remind to people who like Orbus Terrarum and Pomme Fritz to check out the FFWD project which was Fripp, Fehlmann, Weston and Paterson. At least on the level of Orbus Terrarum IMO.




  6. One funny thing I've noticed is that when internet was pretty new for the general public in the late 90s and early 00s there was lots of talk about internet addiction and about people who had to use internet everyday for hours. Now that everybody is constantly online almost nobody talks about net addiction anymore. It's like a normal state of being to be always connected to the internet. It's almost expected of you.

  7. I was just recently totally without the internet for three weeks in Cuba and traveling alone. First I felt so disconnected and had almost like withdrawal symptoms but after I started meeting people there I started to sort of normalize but I still felt strange for the entire time. I haven't had that long break from the net at least in the last 15 years. It felt so good to get back to the internet afterwards.


    Which makes me think that I probably should take breaks more often. Clearly the internet has a huge psychological impact by being constantly available. It's like I always live in dual reality, one part is the physical reality, the other part is the net presence.


    I've never had Facebook account, although I've been pressured to get one a lot. Especially from the family. But I am not going to get one. That's the end of that.


    I do have three Twitter accounts. One is to let my family and friends know where I'm travelling so I don't have to write tons of text messages and emails, one is for my music and keeping up with things (I pretty rarely bother to check up on this or write anything) and one is for an IRC bot I made so I can automatically post my photos to IRC channels via my phone.


    Linkedin is maybe a social media but for me that's just like an online resume thing.


    The thing is most of my close friends are hardcore nerds and they all are on IRC. I just need a unix shell somewhere so I can keep my IRC client running. For that purpose I have rented a virtual server. That's the "social media" I use. For the rest of my connections it's just Skype, Whatsapp, email, text messages or whatever.

    That's really cool but why not using a smartphone IRC client instead of the server?



    It's so that I don't drop out of the conversation. The server client is online around the clock. I just connect to the server using SSH from my smartphone or computer or whatever and I can just continue the IRC conversation and read the backlog. For everybody else it seems I'm always online.


    Also all of my IRC bots are running on the server.

  9. I've never had Facebook account, although I've been pressured to get one a lot. Especially from the family. But I am not going to get one. That's the end of that.


    I do have three Twitter accounts. One is to let my family and friends know where I'm travelling so I don't have to write tons of text messages and emails, one is for my music and keeping up with things (I pretty rarely bother to check up on this or write anything) and one is for an IRC bot I made so I can automatically post my photos to IRC channels via my phone.


    Linkedin is maybe a social media but for me that's just like an online resume thing.


    The thing is most of my close friends are hardcore nerds and they all are on IRC. I just need a unix shell somewhere so I can keep my IRC client running. For that purpose I have rented a virtual server. That's the "social media" I use. For the rest of my connections it's just Skype, Whatsapp, email, text messages or whatever.


    I subscribed to him once I saw that VCR video ages ago and he hasn't done another "English" one since.


    shame. that vcr video is fire



    There's at least the cofe time video also..



    The Finnish videos are sometimes much crazier.. Here he's using a knife that has handle made out of dildo he found in the trash. NSFW.. (not even the still picture)




    Also the tobacco rap is pretty legendary.



    But some of the stuff is really sad because he's fighting for the rights to see his children, dealing with unemployment, etc. He obviously has lots of problems.

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