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Posts posted by zkom

  1. I'll miss the adorably bad acting from TNG though. That series was always fun to make fun of, in an almost MST3K fashion.


    Yeah, my friend and I used to watch TNG reruns and realtime discuss on the interwebs how ridiculous everything is.


    TOS is pretty neat if you can look past all the unintentional comedy and camp. Fun to watch anyway.

  2. FWP: my stereo receiver has been very faintly picking up a talk radio channel when it's switched to aux (and it doesn't matter what freq I stop at if I switch over to the tuner)... so whenever the music stops in my headphones, I can hear whispered news stories about donald trump. all my wave bands are belong to them :wtf:

    Is it an AM or a FM station?
  3. There seems to be some sort of pro-Israel movement also within the Christian fundamentalists here in Finland. The public Christian TV channel keeps broadcasting Israeli news for example. I don't know if it's just something they are copying from the Evangelicals in the US or what's going on, but it's not just an American thing definitely. There's also this older anti-Semitic branch of Christian nutters that are spouting the usual stuff about Jewish conspiracies and whatnot.

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