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Posts posted by zkom

  1. this obsession w the dieting thing feels like a new thing, is it a new thing? how long has it been going on for?


    is it a reflection of some deeper issue in our society?


    how does it correlate to the increasing availability of anime boobies?

    At least since sixties in the west, like macrobiotic diet etc, but I'm going to guess it has been happening for centuries or millennias.


    Maybe the difference is now that in modern societies even the commoners can eat selectively instead of whatever they happen to get so it makes sense that the dieting fads have permeated all the levels of society.

  2. With my current connection it takes half a minute to load one page of this thread so I'm not going to go browsing back a hundred page..


    Anyway, finally downloaded and listened to this (took about an hour to download just the mp3s..)


    It's p good imo ymmv


    If you go here: https://aphextwin.warp.net/release/109100-aphex-twin-collapse-ep

    U see prototypes or something of the ltd sleeve


    In addition to recent aphex site shenanigans, I know the ship on the audio player was known about...




    But did we know about this lot...




    And was this birthday dino up on Ricardo's birthday and not spotted?





    It's the Google Chrome "no internet" dinosaur and the birthday version for Chrome turning 10. Or am I missing something..

  4. lol @ rasta alex jones



    Oh man, I heard some ridiculous conspiracy theories when I was in the Caribbean. One was about the frogs in Dominica that are called "mountain chickens" because they are a local delicacy. These frogs are now endangered because of over-hunting, habitat loss and diseases. One local guy told me that the real reason for the frog population decline are the French. Because the French want to control the global market for frogs for human consumption they have secretly introduced some diseases to Dominica to kill off the competing and superior quality mountain chickens. 


    Another theory I heard concerned about creating HIV in a computer lab to kill Africans. The guy seemed to have mixed the concepts of biological and computer viruses.

  5. At least three times in my life I've had people from Los Angeles contact me on auction sites asking about pickup for items. Each time I've had to explain that LA (not L.A.) refers to an entire state. I'm assuming being in Los Angeles for a while tends to make people fucking oblivious to the rest of the country, or perhaps just plain stupid? One time the person even specifically referred to the city listed asking 'which area of Los Angeles is _______, I'm not familiar with it.'


    Well, I got once contacted by somebody who thought I was in Tampa, Florida when I was actually in Tampere, Finland. So, there. I don't know what kind of dyslexia you need to have to make that kind of mistake.

  6. I should have a "stupid first worlder problems in third world" thread..


    I'm in a quite shady inn in Gaborone, Botswana. The room is pretty dimly lit to begin with, the light bulbs are just very low power. The view from window is a concrete wall about 1m away so very little sunlight can get in. The electricity and the internet connection goes on and off. So I'm almost in the dark some of the time. There's some industrial machine that makes shit ton of hissing noise outside and something that sounds like a giant clock ticking. I'm also taking mefloquine as malaria prevention which causes me to have weird dreams occasionally, particularly just after the weekly dose. This all combines to a very David Lynch like atmosphere. Like I'm in Eraserhead or some shit.


    Well, at least I haven't seen any giant spiders here yet.


    Edit: but cheap and decent location mind you (except that there are drunkards and hanging out just outside all day)

  7. Musk is an asshole when it comes to treating his employees. Like preventing unionizing, the treatment of injured employees and compromising safety for the sake of his personal sense of aesthetics..




    In April 2018, CIR's Reveal published an investigation concluding that Tesla under-counted worker injuries to make its safety record appear better. It included findings such as the factory floor not having have clearly marked pedestrian lanes and instead having lanes painted different shades of gray because Elon Musk does not like the color yellow. In addition, other safety signals (such as signs and warning beeps) were lowered in order to please Musk's aesthetic preferences.



    I've noticed that there's a big overlap with people who like horses and people who like dogs. The people who like both also tend to have certain types of personality traits, but hard to put my finger on.. Like I talk to a person and I can say this person probably likes dogs and horses.

    yeah, values like loyalty and docility are associated with these animals. people who hold these values in high regard are a special breed. Often upper middle class centre-right oriented people with a disposition to the old fashioned. being very tame themself they like their animal companions the same way



    I know some that are still highly competitive and individualistic and one girl who is clearly left-wing but they still love the horses and dogs. But yeah, maybe something like that they want something that they can control and mold to act to their own will?


    Cats are more like your asshole friends who you still like even with all the stupid shit they do.

  9. Weighted blankets have been gaining popularity the past year, and are meant to be helpful for people on the spectrum, anxiety and PTSD sufferers etc., and even in regular people in improving sleep hygiene and reducing cortisol levels. They're pretty expensive though, decent ones costing from ~£100-£300. 



    Interestingly I heard from a girl who has anxiety problems that when she tried Japanese-style bondage it made her feel secure and calm, like somebody holding her tight. Maybe similar effect?


    Do most people have a goth phase??!


    (sorry, probably something subjective I'm missing lol, just makig sure I can add "goth phase" to my excel spreadsheet of phases I missed". 


    there are maybe four paths to idm.


    "goth" -> industrial -> idm (i got into aphex through nin and nothing records)

    autism (it sounds like my video games and i see norse gods fighting in the sky when i listen to drukqs)

    mortal kombat soundtrack -> the prodigy "funky shit on the event horizon soundtrack"/pi soundtrack/matrix soundtrack -> idm (lesser autism)

    and then there's being british, which means you're probably around fifty years old and went to raves in the eighties, but most of these people are dead.



    I think I got into IDM via ambient music. Like Autechre and Boards of Canada being mentioned in the ambient forums (or news goups..) and Aphex played in Chill Out Zone.


    I think there is also the path for people who think they appear intelligent if  they listen to something that is being called intelligent. Same with the "progressive" genres.

  11. I have no problem with smaller spiders. There are bunch of coin sized ones in the bathroom. Better to have them than the malaria carrying mosquitoes. But when the spiders start to be the size of a small rodent I get the heebie-jeebies.


    I told about the spider to an Indonesian girl and she just commented "oh, Europeans and Americans are so scared of spiders, haha". Ah fuck.


    Managed to sleep anyway.

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