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Posts posted by zkom

  1. Cool idea (sounds are nice, too).


    I've been thinking about doing something similar, for running music where I want some steady 180BPM beat and some random noise loops to make it not boring.


    Id be interested to learn how you implemented this :-)




    It's actually a bit embarrassing how simple the instruments are.. There are no VSTs. It's all samples and Renoise built-in effects and the smallest track with all the samples is only 109KB.. Almost like an old school chiptune. Mostly just basic waveforms with instrument envelopes. Some samples from the Renoise standard library heavily effected or edited and a few stolen from some tracks.. there's maybe one easily recognizable.


    Anyway, generally the tracks are just using lots of the Renoise "maYbe" (Yxx) commands to trigger notes or phrases randomly and tons of LFOs controlling parameters and instrument macros. Also some side-chaining. Nothing really particularly advanced.





    Response to the previous deleted comment, lol



    lol now I wanna know what they said.



    It was just a Trump tweet posted into a wrong thread. 

  2. i was about ready to quite facebook 2 years ago then got a job that required me handling the FB page for the place. i'd love to dump it but sadly it's where the people are and it's become kind of mandatory to havea FB page or something.

    I've never had a Facebook account, I think I'm mostly missing some useless updates, but who knows. Almost none of my friends are there either anyway.
  3. I still carry my trusted old Creative Zen 8GB with additional 32GB on a memory card but it's starting to show its age. Battery draining in standby and buttons malfunctioning. Been looking for a replacement.


    I mostly need it when traveling and running. I don't want to use my phone battery on long overland trips or flights for listening to music and it's easier to carry when I go running than the bulky phone.

  4. I kinda like how dry it is, it's almost like their ...And Justice For All, even down to the more proggy structures lol


    I feel another autallica photoshop coming on

    I love the digital dryness. Makes it sound very clean, punchy and detailed.

    I had a problem with my phone where the tip of a headphone broke off in it

    So i got it fixed at a local store

    Now I'm curious if it's still water resistant but I'm putting off asking that question because i fear that it is not.



    There's a tool specifically for this issue called GripStick Headphone Plug Extraction Tool.


    But some people get it out using the tube from a ballpoint pen. For example, take the tube from inside the pen. Put superglue inside the tube. Push the tube into the headphone port so it goes around the headphone plug, let it settle and then pull. Alternatively, instead of glue, heat the tube a bit so it becomes soft, push it in, let it cool and pull out.


    Haven't tried any of these so I can't say how well they work.

  6. Scored 100% for the rhythm section of my most recent CPR training . As you will know , they tell u to do the actions to the pace of the BeeGees Staying Alive which is mega lame . They said go at 100bpm or slightly higher so I was like "arch carrier gonna nail this". I pumped that mannequin like a boss

    Some years ago in CPR training the teacher said my CPR was so violent that I probably would have broken most of the ribs.


    Good luck to anyone who's going to receive CPR from me.

  7. Actually been getting into Orbus Terrarum a lot the last few months, due to Dr Lopez threads.


    I’m not really a fan of their other albums at all so I never bothered with OT. But OT is a different beast entirely. It really is a special album.

    If you like OT check out FFWD also and possibly Pomme Fritz, which is like OT but the craziness turned up to 11.
  8. thats the thing that bothers me the most, is that this is some trump-esq denial-of-the-obvious, but for something where the stakes are so benign and stupid that I cant even understand why someone would bother. its like i go around saying the sky is green and people post photos of the sky being blue and I just keep saying its a conspiracy by the illuminati or some stupid shit. its like these morons have learned they can have success by just going through life and denying reality and it will get them to the top somehow. sorry that only works if you were born with a million dollars, otherwise reality is probably going to come out on top in the end.


    I actually ran into this kind of person in the pre-internet BBS era. Basically everything he was saying was some outlandish lie. And everybody was calling him out on that because it was so obvious and easy to prove. Just stupid shit like driving sports cars, having platinum credit cards, drinking expensive cognac, infamously binary patching the linux kernel with a hex editor.. Nothing he would actually benefit from financially or otherwise. Just some sort of mental problem where a person can't help being a compulsive liar all the fucking time.


    Later in the internet era he started to impersonate a woman, selling used panties and ended up going to a prison for running multiple scams.

  9. Talking about phones. I got a new one from the Doha airport (Nokia 5.1 for 140€, whee) to replace my old phone that is falling apart. And the new one is of course nano-SIM. The SIM I have is a micro-SIM. If I was in Finland this wouldn't be a problem because I could just go to the store and get a replacement SIM, but I'm in Istanbul..


    So, now I'm trying to manage with two phones. The old one with my Finnish SIM and the new one with a Turkish SIM. I think I'll be back to Finland by Christmas and I can hopefully get the nano-SIM then.




    That's such an Anglophonocentric meme

    Do you even know that Switzerland exists

    I heard that they have a draft system, but after they've completed their tenure in the military they get to keep their rifles as citizens. Supposedly the country is also booby-trapped in case of foreign invasion, and they have some of the world's lowest rates of gun-related violence. If that isn't a badass example of responsible gun ownership, I don't know what is.

    Well, you have the rifle at home but not the ammo so bit hard to go shooting around..

  11. i'm really confused to find myself in 2018. like, wtf happened and how did i get here? i guess it's been same shit different day for so long the previous years of my life have blurred together. like 2012, i can do that but 2018? really... maybe i was in 2012 and i was abducted by some greys and they stuck me here right now, that seems like the most likely scenario.


    My life has become pretty strange in the past 6 years so I've started to keep a diary. Well, it originally started as a travel diary but since I was traveling so frequently and I realized that I was missing some things I would have liked to remember, I decided to document the time in between the trips also. Now I can see how my behavior, thinking and personality is slowly changing over time if I jump to something I wrote a few years ago.


    But that only kind of gives me the close up view, can't see the forest for the trees. So, I started occasionally doing this kind of analysis where I compress long periods of time into a few sentences to see deeper underlying patterns (or if there's any).


    First thing I've realized is that I change my mode of living, like where I'm living, what's my job/school, am I living with somebody, who I am dating, every 2-4 years with about 6-12 months transitional period of uncertainty in between when my life is reorganizing itself. Not EVERYTHING changes but always many of the major things so that life becomes essentially different. I can pretty much divide my whole life in this manner.


    Now to just figure out why this happens and is it ok..

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