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Posts posted by zkom

  1. I love it when people send naughty inside jokes to each other but it accidentally gets onto the distribution list.


    I once watched as the entire email system collapsed in a multinational corporation (100k+ employees) because somebody accidentally sent a response to a company wide distribution list and people started to respond to that and respond to the responds which created a snowball effect. Basically all e-mail servers were overloaded in a matter of hours.


    Ah, even t-shirts were made to commemorate the incident.

  2. What amazed me when I went other places is that people thought I was interesting as someone from America. Like I’m some kind of exotic “other” from some fabled place. Lol I’m normie as fuck I’m from Massachusetts we have lobster rolls n clam chowder n Dunkin Donuts n shit


    Some Swedish people: whoa, I’m interested in American culture.


    Me: you know like five languages. Adopt me please


    I have similar experiences when I meet people from German speaking countries: Germany, Switzerland, Austria. Or when I meet people from Japan.. They think I'm from some fabled Scandinavian/Nordic fantasy land where education and health care are absolutely perfect and people live in harmony.


    Sometimes it gets weird. I was in a train in Mongolia and there was a group of Japanese women, mostly middle aged. I was in the same cabin with their Mongolian guide and when they found out I was from Finland they were very impressed "oo.. Finrandooo!" and kept coming back to me to give all sorts of food and treats. I was just lying on the bench and thinking what the hell is going on.


    In most parts of the world people have no idea where the fuck Finland even is. "It's in Europe?" "Is Finland good in soccer?" Well, no..

  3. I've been to America so I can talk shite about it as much as I like :cisfor:


    I've been to 65 countries but not to US yet, lol. I was pretty close to go to Puerto Rico though.


    The thing is that I always thought I'd end up there on a work trip eventually so why waste my own money and time traveling there? But that hasn't materialized yet for whatever reason. Also I won't be able to use the visa waiver program anymore because of the countries I've been to..

  4. I have a Finnish friend who is absolutely obsessed with following Trump news and gets very upset about them but he knows nothing about what's happening locally. There are people like that.


    Personally I follow Finnish politics more than US politics. It's a shitshow also but no where near on the same scale. Also I follow what's going on in the UK re Brexit and generally Russian and Chinese politics to some degree along with what ever happens to be on the news, like Brazil now.



    Yeah but u need to make sure u don't destabilise the economies with foreign currencies . If someone can make more from begging from tourists than they would by seeking an education or setting up a business this is obviously not good and we all need to know our part . I remember meeting people who were like "I gave 100 USD to a guy on the street in Sihanoukville, feels great" and just thought that is about 10% of the average income of a Cambodian ... does not sit well with me at all but maybe this is all just a rationalisation for being a scrooge

    Yeah, that's the thing. If people can make more money on the streets sponging off the tourists than an engineer or medical doctor or a teacher then who's going to want to educate themselves and get jobs or create proper business that employs people? This is particularly relevant with children who should be in school, not begging on the streets. It was actually illegal to give money to children on the streets in Zambia.


    What I see here in Africa the problems lie so deep. There's corruption, superstitions, no qualified teachers, lack of capital, education, rights of women and children and rule of law, and the general culture that discourages self development and betterment. You want to become rich? Go see a witch doctor for a magic wallet. Your neighbor is doing better than you? Try to trip him over as hard as possible. It's all so fucked. Just pouring money to this witch's brew is not going to make the deep underlying problems go away, probably just makes it worse.




    I buy stupid things because I get into haggling. When I've haggled the price to something like 1/2-1/4 of the asking price I feel too embarrassed to back out anymore and have to buy the thing.


    Now I have a custom made colorful African shirt I got for 40% of the asking price.. I don't know what I'm gonna do with it.

    fwiw, regularly haggling something down to 25% of the price is pretty damn impressive. You might want to think about antique dealing or public buying (like me!)

    It's not particularly hard in lots of places. Like in Vietnam a person selling t-shirts on the street might ask 5USD or even 10USD for a shirt because sometimes a tourist will come along and pay that price. It's peanuts to some American package tourist on an organized trip and they might even think it's cheap. But the seller will probably break even around 1USD so you're going to get it for like 2USD and they will still be happy with the deal.


    The strategy is to just say that the price is way out of ballpark, then do an extreme low-ball offer and sloooowly raise it and start to walk away if they don't agree to drop the price. They will come after you if they can make any profit on that price.


    How ethical is it to haggle the prices to such extent when the person selling the goods is some poor person on the street is another question.. but they will not sell it if they're not gonna make profit. So idk. Just pay what you think is fair, is my answer.


    Traveling in poor countries in general raises a bunch of ethical questions and some are hard to answer.

  7. This is all sorts of kek starting with the aol email address for the "director of fund clearance unit" for Citibank




    ADDRESS: 87-11 Queens Boulevard, Elmhurst, NY 11373


    From Desktop of Mr. kelvin Williams
    E-mail: kevinwilliams39893@aol.com

    Attention Fund Beneficiary,

    Payment Release Instruction from Federal Reserve Bank of New York

    Acting on our capacity as the international correspondent bank to the International Monetary Fund Organization, this is to officially notify you that we have received a confirmation advice from the International Monetary Funds External Auditors Committee, World Bank, United Nations Organization and the Federal Reserve Bank of America respectively via International Payment Voucher Number: IMF/FRBWDC/-93WB82UN567-G requesting our bank Citibank of New York, to disburse your due wining/inheritance  contract payment valued at Ten Million Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$10.3M) in your favor.

    In consideration of the above, you have been issued with this Exclusive Reference Identification Number (IMF/FRB-NY/9USXX10751/09)Transfer Allocation No.: FRB/X44/701LN/NYC/US, Password: 339331, Pin Code: 78569, Certificate of Merit No: 104, Release Code No: 0876; Secret Code: XXTN014. Having received these vital payment numbers, you are instantly qualified to receive and confirm your payment within the next 96hrs. As necessary clearance has been granted from the International Monetary Funds External Auditors to release the funds to you with immediate effect.

    In view of this directive received from the International Monetary Funds (IMF), we have on our own part verified your payment file as directed to us, and your name is next on the list of outstanding fund beneficiaries to receive their payment at this Second quarter of year 2018. With that being done, you are required to urgently contact Citibank  in New 

    We wish to inform you of the need for you to also re-confirm the following information before the Citibank to enable us proceed with the preliminary arrangements that will enhance the immediate release of your funds. Owing to security reasons, be clearly informed that we will not respond to any phone calls/general inquiries placed to our bank with regards to the remittance of your funds by beneficiaries as we are barred from doing so, you are therefore advised to communicate only with the accredited officer for further remittance advice.

    1) Full Name;
    2) Full Address;
    3) Your contact telephone and fax number;
    4) Your Age and Profession;
    5) Copy of any valid form of your Identification;
    6) Your Bank name;
    7) Your Bank Address;
    8) Account name and Number;
    8) ABA/Routing Number;
    10) Swift or Sort Code:

    Thank you for your anticipated co-operation.

    Mr. Kelvin Williams


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