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Posts posted by zkom

  1. This is again a kind of problem that might be more of a success..


    I was on a flight early this morning and there was breakfast being served and the flight attendant asked what I wanted to drink. I said just water. And she was a bit confused and asked me is that what I just want. And I was like yeah, yeah, just water. And then a lot of time went by and they were passing the water bottles back and forth and my water wasn't coming. Then she came back to check that she had heard me right and wrote something down. Also she asked am I sure I don't want anything else like orange juice. I was thinking how fucking hard is it to get a glass of water.


    Finally she gave me a glass of clear liquid with some ice. And I was thinking "finally!" and took a sip. It was vodka.


    So I had vodka with my breakfast. Could have been worse.

  2. Good stuff Mokz, these could work really well for some passive listening tracks. 


    Dope @ Renoise, haven't used a tracker setup like that in a long time. I think SunVox for my phone was the last thing. Tbh, didn't even know you could use randomization in the sequencing in Renoise. If you do get that stream going, I will definitely check it out.


    Thanks, man!  :beer:


    I was actually thinking something like that. Like music to play while your working on something. I had this idea of "music for programmers" thing.. A kind of mixture between the "space ship bridge noise for 10 hours" youtube videos and randomized electro and deep techno beats. I started to work on that over a year ago but it didn't go anywhere then. Maybe need to look into it again.


    Also this type of thing could be used for maybe background music for games? For menus and different places in the game world. Too bad that Renoise doesn't have a stand-alone player library that could incorporated into games.


    Dope @ Renoise, haven't used a tracker setup like that in a long time. I think SunVox for my phone was the last thing. Tbh, didn't even know you could use randomization in the sequencing in Renoise. If you do get that stream going, I will definitely check it out.


    TBH, I'm only scratching the surface with the probabilistic events and randomized LFOs. If I started to apply scripting features in Renoise I could take the generative properties to the next level. Something to look into in the future also..

  3. Speaking of manga. Is there any modern (post-)cyberpunk manga in the vein of Akira or Ghost in the Shell?


    Or maybe some actual horror?


    I don't follow manga publications and every time I get something recommended it's like ADHD teenagers with paranormal abilities or some romantic fantasy.

  4. really nice

    didn't you have the idea of making a 24/7 stream of generative ambient?



    Yeah, I think it could be possible with Renoise because I could run it on my linux VPS and share the stream through some service. Maybe need to figure out how to switch between the patterns though. I'll take a look into it when I have a decent internet connection.

  5. I started to write these tracks originally for the WATMM's Most IDM 2018 compilation ("Hiding the fact that you automated your own job"). I had fun creating them so I ended up making several and now that it seems that the compilation is never going to happen I'm going to be putting the tracks to SoundCloud..


    Basically these are short ambient loops with shit tons of automation and randomization. They could go on playing forever. What I'll try to do is to render them to some comfortable length. 


    A word of warning: The tracks have absolutely no structure or progression. All progress that they might seem to make is completely due to chance and they will return to form sooner or later. So if you are waiting for something more interesting to happen in the track it will not and might just as well skip the rest of it.


    Also I made these on my mini-laptop while traveling and they are mixed with in-ear phones. So might sound horrible with proper speakers. I have no idea.


    The software used was Renoise 3.1.1.


    The first track maybe has a kind of Orb mood from around the Orbus Terrarum/FFWD era, but it's of course even more meandering..



    Got a motorbike to another part of Zanzibar island and then when getting off the bike burned my fucking leg on the exhaust..




    now you have a scar story for the pub & potential fuck victims, scars are excellent lair bait, Manson swastika forehead tattoos too

    There are actual studies that indicate that women prefer a bit of facial scarring




    Back in Malawi I met a Finnish aid worker on leave and after she had been listening to my travel stories for a couple of days she asked "Why do all your stories involve some dangerous situation or injury? How are you still alive?"


    I didn't think I traveled dangerously.. Shit just happens. A few miscalculations on my part maybe a couple of times. Some situations involved a good amount of alcohol. But generally I don't do dangerous things on purpose.

  7. I wouldn't be too worried for now. Stupidly burned my arm on the pipe like that once, trying to lube my chain immediately after a long ride. Anyway I clearly remember the skin going lighter rather than darker too, but it healed by itself (with some blisters, pain, and very light scarring).

    Yeah, I'll just try to keep it clean so it doesn't get infected.


    Did a bit of haggling with that ride also. Original offer from the lodge was 35USD by car. Haggled the car ride down to 20USD, then they wouldn't go lower. So, one employee asked me how about a motorbike for 10USD. That I accepted. Dalla-dalla would have been only like 3USD but would have taken hours. But then I got my comeuppance with the exhaust..


    BTW, it's lush as fuck here in east coast of Zanzibar.

  8. Got a motorbike to another part of Zanzibar island and then when getting off the bike burned my fucking leg on the exhaust..


    The burn wound is white and not really painful which would indicate 3rd degree burn but the skin hair is mostly intact which would indicate only a superficial burn. Guess I'm just going to see how it develops. The closest doctor is quite far away.. I'm going back to Stone Town in 3 days so hopefully I can manage until that.

  9. Something that I've been thinking about.. Most of the western democracies don't give the president much political power. Mostly it's just a ceremonial job. For example who remembers who's the president of Germany? But people usually, at least in Europe, remember that the chancellor is Angela Merkel, right? So giving this kind of supreme executive power to a single specially elected person seems a bit outdated in the modern world. I can understand that the Philippines or Brazil have this kind of system, but maybe modern democracies should be led by the government that was approved by the parliament or senate instead of the loudest idiot who can stir the public the most.

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