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Claudius t Ansuulim

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Everything posted by Claudius t Ansuulim

  1. First thing you’ve said that I fully agree with! Regarding confirmation bias, yes I’m well aware. While we’re talking about bias, are you familiar with reporting bias? Or publishing bias? How about funding bias? You know the old statistics joke, right? I’m doing my best to be critical, and if you’ve read my previous posts you’d see where I’ve done my best to show gratitude towards those that were willing to provide substantive information that runs contrary to what I’ve posted. It doesn’t do anybody any good to only hear one side of any story, which is why I’ve become intrigued by Bret, Pierre Kory and his testimony in front of Congress, and other things being removed from facebook, twitter, youtube, etc. Just curious: when you speak of consensus amongst the scientific community, where exactly are you drawing these observations from? Also, I feel it worth reiterating that it’s possible for everything the scientific and medical communities believe to be flipped on their head with a single discovery. Bret discovering an inherent bias in drug clinical trials being one such discovery imo.
  2. You’re right, Bret is *just* one voice in the scientific community (two if you count Heather on the podcast) but did you even listen to what he was saying? Videos that even mention Ivermectin, including his own, were being REMOVED from youtube. And you want to speak as if there is some sort of concensus amongst the scientific community. Are you aware of the concept of manufactured consent? Any critical content that starts getting clicks gets removed or “fact checked” by entities that have direct or indirect ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Oh and since we’re talking about Bret Weinstein specifically I recommend looking up “not all mice”. Bret’s thesis work involved looking at the telomeric length of animals used in clinical trials and how we could be missing symptoms and side effects of drugs because of how the animals are bred. The other link I provided, the FLCCC, is a growing consortium of doctors sharing their experiences in treating this particular disease and attempting to petition the governing bodies to provide the same kinds of robust clinical trials the vaccines underwent. I’ve read through all the links provided in response to my posts and I am truly grateful for them. I hope in the future we’ll be able to have good objective analysis of these things, but when somebody as high up in academia as Bret starts sounding alarms I take notice, because if the scientific community can’t operate objectively we’re all screwed (and there’s good evidence it hasn’t been for quite some time, I can provide some links on the subject if interested).
  3. Right, so it looks like: 1) Wuhan Institute of Virology lab workers fall sick with coronavirus symptoms, Chinese government covers it up 2) International Press downplays “Lab Leak Hypothesis” as conspiracy theory, also downplays early signs therapeutics such as Ivermectin are effective in favor of development of vaccines, which take time to get to market even with EUA (see links below) 3) All the social media platforms fell in line with the vaccine as cure narrative, censored anything that didn’t fall in line with an “official narrative”. Media outlets immediately “fact check” anything by scientists that counters this narrative, often by either other media outlets or entities linked directly with vaccine manufacturers 4) Within days of the director of the NIH being questioned about Gain of Function research, mandates are suddenly lifted. I know I’ve posted him here already but when a tenured professor of biology at a prominent university with a background in Evolutionary Biology (who got accused here of thinking too much like a scientist when all you hear is “I’m gonna trust the scientists on this one”) says this is a CRIME OF THE CENTURY (emphasis mine), man, I think you all should pay attention. Moneyed interests may have gotten in the way of this one folks, and it may have cost an untold number of lives. https://youtube.com/watch?v=U9xrs0VfDY8 https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/faq-on-ivermectin/
  4. Pfizer’s ex-Vice President and Chief Scientist: I’m guessing just about everybody here has made up their minds about all this so I’m not sure who I’m posting it for. flame on ?
  5. Again, speaks to my point. You’d have to simultaneously vaccinate every potential reservoir (ie host organism) on earth as well as socially distance and wear a mask (get those chickens to mask up!) for over two weeks in order for this virus to be eliminated. for every strain. otherwise resistance is futile, and just like in Marek’s Disease, more virulent strains will be potentially be selected for.
  6. Thanks Chen!!! That speaks exactly to my point. We’ll be chasing our tails endlessly with this thing. For note I only brought up MRSA as an example of how a pharmacological approach can cause more virulent strains through selective evolutionary pressures
  7. oh man I’m so fucking tempted *fights the urge*
  8. copied and pasted from notes app, as I’ve stated previously. when I pasted I saw the “paste as plain text” option, but then I saw Bilbo Baggins holding the ring saying “why should I?”
  9. ok, maybe I haven’t been clear enough about what it is I’m on about (written language is so 2 dimensional). So, global vaccination campaign. coronaviruses, while relatively slow to mutate compared to say influenza, will mutate. Serious question here: does theorized immunity conferred by said vaccines extend to any or all mutations? I’m pretty sure that answer is no regarding the latter, which if that’s the case *may* lead to the “arms race” Dr. Vanden Bossche described in the video I linked. To put it another way, you’re creating a selective pressure that is akin to how we end up with Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (there are differences for sure, but I point to this as an example of how a pharmacological approach can cause more virulent strains through selective evolutionary pressures). If anybody here has any evidence to the contrary I’d love to see it, but at this point I’m not expecting anybody from watmm to be able to provide the types of counterpoints I’m looking for (except dan. way to go dan!). It looks like we’re headed towards a world where everybody will be asked to take an annual CoV booster shot, which I’m FINE WITH as long as it’s not MANDATORY. you all wanna be guinea pigs for the pharmaceutical companies? fine. just leave me out of it *storms out of room in full tinfoil body armor* feel free to gratuitously facepalm this post
  10. dcom has provided nothing substantive in my opinion thus far, and surely you could say the same of me. the large font was a copy and paste phenom I wasn’t aware of at first until I hit “post”. I ran with it because it seemed to bunch some panties. If that’s a troll move then surrender your kittens! honestly though, I’m not trying to change anybody’s opinion on this. The concerns I listed above are genuine, and if you can’t realize that a significant portion of the population has similar sentiments then we are headed for some rocky waters. Also the only reason I bring up my background is bc I’ve heard the argument “trust the science” and “trust the scientists” before, and hey! I happen to be a scientist, not specialized in virology per se but well versed enough to be able to formulate my own conclusions based off of evidence. This is clearly not the place for such a debate though, which is why I’m fully willing to tip my hat and bid adieu
  11. more assumptions lol. I’ve read through just about all of the content in this thread as it was happening, watmm is one of the few places I visit regularly (and have been since way back when, joyrex.com and such)
  12. hey thanks for the honest reply! No troll here, I realize the potential pitfalls of asking a music making community about medical science, but if anything I’m venting frustration over a few things: 1) No long term science is performed on drugs that make it past the phase iii clinical trials and licensure by the fda. this is a HUGE mistake. After the clinical trials for vaccines the drug companies offer every participant the drug and don’t follow up on any of the participants that refuse (most do not). 2) these are drugs in phase iii clinical trials (where theoretically you start to gather long term data). We’re already mandating it in some instances for travel, school, and work. Too soon? 3) The science and politics have become intertwined as both you and I have stated already, and I would add that the major media outlets are all acting as corporate mouthpieces for the drug manufacturing companies. I’m not going full Zeff and saying that making money is bad, what I’m saying is that I don’t trust any of them for dissemination of factual information anymore. CNN’s technical director was recently caught undercover talking about how they are actively engaged in propaganda, falsifying information, selectively reporting stories that support their agenda, etc. Think it an isolated incident? So when I petition an unlikely source as this place for good information (some has been provided already, so not a fully futile gesture), I’m really just trying to get good information. The algorithms have changed, censorship of ideas has begun, and anybody that questions the “mainstream narrative” gets demonized, demonetized, deplatformed, or outright banned and their content scrubbed. People have been backing up content provided by seemingly good faith actors just trying to reach their own objective conclusion about What the Hell is Going on in This World. If this isn’t concerning to you then ?
  13. yes I am a sceptic, a trained sceptic at that, as any good scientist should be. was just checking to see if there was anybody willing to actually engage with the science on this topic; so far dan is the only one to do so (and I thank him again for it, I will genuinely try my best to follow up with the information he provided). The rest of you may go back to sleep now. thanks.
  14. “I for one don’t make assumptions, but let me go ahead and make a bunch of assumptions lol” finally this thread starts to deliver ?
  15. Over 40% of adults in the united states are either reluctant on taking this vaccine or a hard “no”. comparing the mrna vaccine to other vaccines with different mechanisms (like live attenuation) is a false equivalent; not a single drug currently on the market uses this mechanism. acting like cunts won’t win them over. hard science might. Also, careful with your assumptions. While I’m not a medical doctor, I have studied molecular biotechnology, microbiology, taught university level health sciences, and generally understand enough about the sciences to be able to interpret raw data and peer review. So plz watmm, try harder
  16. also lol at all the facepalms I’m getting. I guess it’s easier than debating thoughts, ideas, and concepts openly and honestly?
  17. I would guess most people glaze over the actual nitty gritty of articles like that and jump right to: “Vaccines clearly reduce viral load, prevent severe disease, and disrupt transmission, and they can thankfully be readily modified to address problematic variants as is done every season for influenza with great effect. They are the way out until someone proposes something better. Bossche doesn’t and his claims are baseless. “ So again, speaking to my point, “we” collectively are considering approaching this, an adenovirus, with mechanisms we currently use for influenza, mechanisms that themselves may be flawed. Also it should be pointed out that as far as policy goes we don’t mandate everybody to get the seasonal flu shot, and their efficacy is debatable. I have had relatives paralyzed by the flu shot, and I’ve lost loved ones to complications from influenze infection. It’s anecdotal for sure, but I feel like this whole situation is rushing forward without due consideration. I would certainly rather not feel the need to debate this in public forums but I feel current public policy and perception is forcing me from my happy seclusion.
  18. Thanks Dan! This is the kind of response I was hoping for. A cursory glance at the refutation and I could certainly be critical of aspects of it is well, but as mentioned previously it is important for that criticism to be directed inwardly as much lest my own confirmation bias affect my analysis.
  19. I should also point out that at this point we are collectively considering as GLOBAL PUBLIC POLICY the possibility of MANDATORY VACCINES. This not alarmist at this point, it’s REALITY. So it is VERY IMPORTANT to have this discussion, especially amongst the scientific community and as an extension whatever commons we have (which happens to include electronic music message boards). Copied and pasted from notes
  20. you know who doesn’t (or at least shouldn’t) trust “the science” any more than anybody else? A: The scientists. This is by design. I think I understand the point though; we assume all this is peer reviewed. Back to my original point though, science, politics, and private industry have become conflated, intertangled in ways that may actually be prohibitive towards sound science being performed and affecting public policy. It’s not that Geert is proposing anything novel here, in fact he’s pointing out the obvious to anybody with an intimate knowledge of these systems. What we’re really talking about here is the intersection of science and policy, and my highly subjective view of it at this point isn’t very positive.
  21. font size due to copy/paste from notes, no yelling intended EXCEPT FOR NOW!!!!
  22. The American Medical Association, making medical recommendations. I am familiar with these. Did you watch the video I linked? The concerns are that the drugs they are administering as “vaccines” are actually driving up the number of hyper-virulent strains. This would make sense from an evolutionary standpoint if you understand how viruses exist and mutate. None of the drugs currently being tested provide sufficient inoculation as to prevent viral shedding. Again I’m not completely against these medical technologies; I have had at least one relative that passed as a result of complications precipitated by the onset of symptoms caused by an infection of primarily SARS-CoV-2 and his life may have been saved had the drugs been available at the time. My point is more towards cost vs benefit analysis and I fear having this mass vaccination program may be doing more harm than good in the long term. Again, I’m open to evidence to the contrary, but I prefer it to be scholarly ?
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