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Posts posted by melancholera

  1. They're still set many years before BrBa (date on the video in the trial was oct. 2001, Breaking Bad starts in 2008/2009). There's lots of room for things to come and go and come again. Referring to the character at the end of the episode.


    Thought the episode was really good and on it's way to blazing its own trail. It could get really messy if there's too much crossover, I agree. But if it's handled well, who knows (considering Vince Gilligan and the crew). There were also lots of subtle references. But I think even these will thin out drastically as the show goes on. Looking forward to the second ep.

  2. Also, correction to my Mr. Show post a while ago: It's not a new Mr. Show season and not going to be anything directly associated with Mr. Show. It's just much of the cast and writers getting together for some "multi-episode" project. Still cool, but sorry for the wrong info. And on the other hand, it makes it impossible to be another disappointing 90's reunion thing. That's good. Mr. Show's reputation is still gold.


    Speaking of Bob, Better Call Saul premieres this Sunday with the second episode being on Monday. Excited to see how this goes.

  3. Been watching Parks and Rec as well. On season 6. The show really takes off mid-late 2nd season. The show goes to some pretty ridiculous and surreal extremes. Which can be great as well as a detriment. The main characters have a way of working their way into your heart (i just said that). Wish the background/secondary characters weren't such flat cartoony caricatures. This is something 98% of tv could work on, though so... Overall worthwhile and feelgood in a non cringe inducing way.

  4. Sekonda BNM



    That's some otherworldly love-magic there.


    I pulled up the SC page about an hour ago to listen to what was already there (tho I have them downloaded too) and saw 130 by the track symbol. I lol'd for real because most people thought he was done. Nope.


    D15 - 10 Dulcimer Dub is one of my favorites as well. Surprised no mention here yet. That lead synth that comes in about halfway through is juussst right.

  5. Didn't mean to quote the pics again or derail thread. MHTRTC and Geogaddi are twin light/dark masterpieces, IMO. But on topic, Tomorrows Harvest is fantastic and I think it still has a lot to reveal even after a year and a half.


    Off-topic, but I don't really know where else to post these.


    So...I got bored and photoshopped the MHRTC cover in Geogaddi colors and vice-versa.



    They look beautiful. Amazing how it changes one's perception of how the music may sound.



    Thank you! I remember reading somewhere that the two album covers were inverted (color-wise) of each other (they aren't, but pretty close). When I saw that they weren't I gave that idea proper justice (no it's not just some instagram-y filter btw).


    And yeah it is interesting how much color can affect a thing like interpreting/perceiving music.




    35 Japan sounds a lot like Balam Acab 10+ years before Balam released anything.

    yeah it does ,but way better. I think it's a pretty nice reminder to a lot of newer producers today like Balam Acab that a single electronic musician invented/refined so many original styles over such a relatively short period of time. I would like to think of it as some kind of challenge and encouragement for new producers especially to break out of the box more and not feel comfortable staying with one genre/sound palette too long, and hopefully see why its a good thing to keep trying new types of sounds



    Yeah. There aren't any newer contemporary electronic artists that are as prolific/varied/innovative as AFX was in the 90's that I can think of. Not saying there aren't any great artists right now or anything. Just nobody seems to have that amount of freedom and abandon in their work.


    Coil is one of the only other acts I can think of who explored such varied territory (if we're talking strictly 'electronic music')

    its just very inspiring. I know that the same can be gathered from just listening to his discography, but this just blows the doors off everything for me. Its very hard to explain. like i was saying in earlier post, the implications this has not just for fans but for the entire world of electronic music will not be felt immediately but will have a huge impact. Maybe im just a really excited fan who is losing my grip on reality



    Cool, I'll have to check him/them out. Thanks.


    I think this massive release will be very inspiring and invigorating for many artists. So yeah, I also think it'll have an impact in the future. Hell, it's made me want to get back to making tunes and potentially more albums for bandcamp (I used to average a finished track every week or two, but have slowed way down in the last couple of years).


    35 Japan sounds a lot like Balam Acab 10+ years before Balam released anything.

    yeah it does ,but way better. I think it's a pretty nice reminder to a lot of newer producers today like Balam Acab that a single electronic musician invented/refined so many original styles over such a relatively short period of time. I would like to think of it as some kind of challenge and encouragement for new producers especially to break out of the box more and not feel comfortable staying with one genre/sound palette too long, and hopefully see why its a good thing to keep trying new types of sounds



    Yeah. There aren't any newer contemporary electronic artists that are as prolific/varied/innovative as AFX was in the 90's that I can think of. Not saying there aren't any great artists right now or anything. Just nobody seems to have that amount of freedom and abandon in their work.

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