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Posts posted by melancholera

  1. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/ted-cruz-mocked-john-boehner-lucifer-flesh/story?id=38732727




    “I have Democrat friends and Republican friends," Boehner said, according to the Stanford Daily. "I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a b---- in my life.”


    And the following article is a perfect candidate for r/nottheonion.



  2. Also in that interview, they didn't think that fans would figure out the "FRINGSBACK" anagram in the titles as fast as they did. They thought they would be able to reveal it during the off-time between seasons and build up hype. But a couple of dedicated fans foiled their plans.

  3. From Peter Gould (co-creator with Vince Gilligan)


    "Now that the cat is out of the bag, we’re certainly thinking Gus Fring had a hand in what happened with Mike at the end of season two. He’s certainly, it’s safe to say, already a presence on the show."

  4. Who else besides Gus could possibly show up, did Saul always have those two henchmen? He wasn't involved with the Mexicans at all right? Maybe his flaky secretary?


    This isn't a cameo exactly but an interesting observation. Somebody on Reddit pointed out that Pryce (legal name: Daniel Wormald) from Better Call Saul is likely "Danny" the laser-tag owner in BB. That is, the laser-tag that Saul recommended to Walt and Jesse for money laundering purposes. Given his geeky nature and now his involvement with Jimmy, it seems to fit.

  5. Brilliant episode. I feel like the interrogation scene at the end is the first true emergence of Saul Goodman. And the end with Kim is heartbreaking, because it's the first crack in the ice of their relationship. I'm wondering if there's ever been any piece of media in which you know where it's leading, but is still so captivating. This show is a damn beautiful tragedy. Shakespearean level.

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