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Posts posted by melancholera



    this doesn't seem like much until you start focusing on his right leg. just stare at his right leg for 10 seconds.



    You inspired me to do a couple of shops.





  2. My wisdom teeth have aggravated me on and off the last year and a half or so. Left bottom one in particular. But I don't have insurance, so I can't get them out without $1800 or so. Yay, America! And yes I applied for Obamacare and the cheapest rates were really high. I know that it has helped lots of people and that's cool. But be a younger, lower-end (but full time) salary having, single person and you're kind of screwed. Similar to taxes. My coworker gets a refund of everything he paid in, plus about $9000 every year because he has 3 children. We make the same amount. I get less than a eighth of what's taken out of my check federally. Usually about $400. Also his healthcare is 100% free minus small deductibles.


    Sorry for the mini rant. Just upset that you get absolutely no help in America if you make anything more than about 15,000 a year and are not married or have children.

  3. found our hobo cat Ninja dead in the garden this morning :cry:

    left him out last night and he was fine , i tought he was asleep but he was hard and dead like fuck when i picked him up

    no blood, vomit or foam, he looked unharmed, none the less my wife let the vet do an autopsy to make sure

    hope it was a seizure and not poison, i have 5 more cats

    damn he was an asshole, slept all day after ripping open every garbage sack in the hood stealing our food, the other cats food, any foods but i'm gonna miss him



    rip ninja fuck :sad:


    Aw, RIP Ninja.


    It's interesting that this is the picture you decided to post because that behavior (head-pressing) may have been a symptom of some type of nervous system damage.



    Or maybe it just liked sleeping that way...

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