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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by may be rude

  1. 3 hours ago, Extralife said:

    Also loving these new tracks. Seems like a more sparse, ambient direction - which is really hitting the spot at the moment.

    I’d also recommend grabbing Chaga aka Lyra7 from last year - it was recently made downloadable (as requested by @ARPA). Epic track - easily one of his best.

    thanks! encoding



    pleased by the hour of free, dank zvld ambient flacs. always wanted more like those 2 quantum tracks from a couple years ago. 

  2. 3 hours ago, marf said:

    There was the Ukrainian Shipping magnate that got his house blown up. Putin doesn't give a fuck. I always wondered why Putin would kill his enemies with unique profile radiation pellets on the end of umbrellas. I guess to signal to governments and others that they can get you anywhere with something very well regulated? I never fully understood the whacky assassination like the 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin poisoning of Yushchenko. Why not a bullet?  Why these nutty chemicals and radiation poisonings? Ok, they are throwing people out of windows. Thats more clandestine actually. 

    true gangsters make you fear them with radiation poisoning

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  3. An asteroid that could measure more than 1,200 feet across—as tall as the Empire State Building—is set to fly safely past Earth later this week after being discovered just a few days ago.



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