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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by may be rude

  1. that was pretty fucked up, looking back. no one knew what was going on, that day. now we know more. trump planned to go to the capitol, wanted to bring the natl guard with him (to protect him, this was in planning, before the day and the violence). imagine trump planning to go to the capitol on jan 6 with the guard.


    now we know trump wanted the crowd to be armed and took actions to allow it, knowing they planned to go to the capitol.


    now we know pence had to disobey his secret service in order to not be removed, and they feared for their lives as they narrowly avoided contact. trump tweeted during the attack that pence was the problem.


    now we know there were guns there. and we know there was a seditious conspiracy among trumpist militias


    we know trump knew he lost but sought to stay in power anyway through a multi-pronged scheme that included

    • fake elector slates
    • threats to state election officials
    • an attempt to use doj to declare the election tainted
    • a violent attack on the vp and congress
    • an attempt to stop and delay the certification


    amazing that dod had to deliberately insist on not getting involved.

    scary how the guard deployment was handled. it's like those responsible feared deploying them because trump could seize command. they (army sec mccarthy) waited until metro cop reinforcements came and pushed back the marks

  2. On 12/9/2022 at 12:31 AM, Cyteen said:

    The size of Ton 618 and/or Phoenix A (if it proves to be a blackhole) is seriously staggering. I don't think the experts know a way of how a blackhole that big could actually form.  

    Any guesses?




    the munchies

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  3. 51 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

    Christ was born in June 

    i chose to believe he was born on dec 25

    midwifed by santa

    in a magick circle operated by extraterrestrial reindeer. 

    but i respect your beliefs

    i will note that such theories are based on the lore of the christmas star, aka the star of bethlehem, and an intepretation that it was a planetary conjunction

    of course it could have been aliens or fairies or hyperevolved shrimp.

    we don't know ?

    • Haha 2
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  4. season's greetings


    This time RTR gathers up the most energetic tracks he has done so far. Putting those 10 tracks together makes us go through an immersive musical journey that goes from stuttering, rapid breakbeats all the way through the record to complex melodies, needling acid basslines, mind-melting electronic workout that’ll leave you on your knees.

    releases January 9, 2023



    the title track is a beast.  i couldn't be happier about the description - "the most energetic tracks he's done".

    rtr is one of the best, and he keeps getting better. 

    • Like 3
  5. musk spoke out against the Build Back Better bill, which had a huge section on climate action that would have actually been dramatically closer to what we should be doing to not break the human habitat. the bill was sunk by one vote. musk encouraged manchin to sink it rather than shaming manchin for the deeply immoral action of delaying climate solutions.  

    musk's behavior makes a little more sense when you understand that he perceived biden snubbing him and tesla by giving more federal attention to other electric car makers. 

    dude's more of a callous billionaire than anything. definitely not a genius. he's a common overactive engineer with personality and logic problems. he demonstrates how much he cares about climate by helping tank bills like that. that was a massive set back on badly needed climate progress. 

    • Like 6
  6. 18 hours ago, ignatius said:

    that will be their recommendation.. then it's up to the justice dept if they want to follow that recommendation. 

    right. it's just a recommendation to investigate, with crimes and cases specified. and doj is already investigating.

    there will be the formality, which has significance.

    it will be interesting to see what is said or shown. i think they will vote to release their report at the same time and release materials, amounting to a bit of an info dump. specifically it would be interesting if the case is laid out for each crime tomorrow, or if there is a section of the report on criminal cases. 

    this helps doj in a few ways. it prepares a case for them. new evidence may be shared. it demonstrates the strength of the cases. it helps prime the public for if an indictment happens. jack smith appointed as special counsel shows that indictment is being considered at doj, for the coup shit.

    • Like 1
  7. It looks like on Monday the House will formally refer former president Trump to the justice department for conspiracy to defraud, obstruction of a proceeding, and incitement of insurrection


    i like how they went with fraud. fraud is a law we have on the books for disinfo, which is regularly prosecuted. and deception is an elemental aspect of the malady possessing the man.

    • Like 2
  8. 17 hours ago, zero said:

    I get that political activism certainly can be a factor to swing the pendulum from one party to another.

    it's not about battleground or not. many competetive house seats were not in swing states. 


    17 hours ago, zero said:

    not to re-hash our previous discussion too much, but part of that discussion was me playing devil's advocate on the whole activism approach

    i know


    17 hours ago, zero said:

    too bad in a state where I live, Texas, any sort of activism to move away from the R's feels like a bit of an uphill losing battle. in my county, it was more or less 67% R, 30 something% D across the board in this election. would've needed tens of thousands of votes to swing the needle...

    texas is purple. candidates from both major party win seats. cruz would have lost to beto if he didn't have a spanish name.

    but yeah not every district is very competetive


    17 hours ago, zero said:

    waiting in line to vote was a somewhat sobering affair, overhearing convo's from R supporters, and just how insane they sound. people really do think there is some antagonistic government force out there trying to personally get them. it's widespread paranoia on a whole another level, egged on by the maga man and his tribe of loyal R party idiots. totally sick that the R party actively promotes creating a society of fearful, paranoid people, who believe in disingenuous outright lies.  

    it really is quite wild to behold. can't imagine living in tx. though i wouldn't mind to. 


    i think cruz is up in 2024. that's a race worth working on

  9. following up on the earlier discussion about whether or not individual activists can make a difference, i want to mention that lauren boebert of colorado narrowly won reelection , by about 550 votes. lauren boebert is the one who

    • tweeted "today is 1776" on the morning of january 6th
    • tweeted the real time movement of pelosi as she was removed from the house chamber on january 6th
    • made a thing about wanting to bring guns onto the house floor, even sneaking them by the metal detectors

    that margin is tiny and this absolutly horrible wretch of a person could have been removed from her position of power if there had been slightly more ground work going on in her district

    at least colorado legalized mushrooms


    it's not "all the same"

    it's not true that "you can't make a difference"

    those are narratives from the actually nefarious individuals, trying to discourage civic participation, which is the safeguard against encroaching fascism

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  10. it looks like some of the journalist bannings may have been related to twitter banning the elonjet account, which tracked the location of elon's jet. rationale was doxing because it's posting someone else's location or information that indicates someone else's location. which honestly i think holds up, logically, though a little bit of a stretch. apparently the joinmastadon account tweeted about how the elonjet account has an account at mastadon, so @joinmastadon got banned. and then journalists were reporting on how twitter banned joinmastadon for posting about how mastadon has an elonjet account and then some of those journalists got banned. and twitter started flagging links to mastadon as potentially harmful or spammy.  (joinmastadon.org), the main place that people have been migrating to from twitter. twitter activity noticeably started slumping as soon as musk's offer was accepted, in april, and that's when mastadon emerged as the place to go to. now it's a large migration. it's basically an open source platform with an interface and feature set that is very similar to twitter's


    the other place people are migrating to is post.news, which just launched. that one i guess is geared toward news/journalism.


    mastadon is a protocol. no one company, no one server. federated instances. interestingly, as elon was taking over, jack dorsey tweeted that twitter wants to be a protocol, not a company

  11. 1 hour ago, randomsummer said:

    That is pretty bad, and I don't like Musk, but to be fair Amazon is down almost 50% YTD and the S&P500 hasn't been banging either


    ah, true.


    s&p definitely not declining at nearly the same rate

    amzn definitely similar. though tsla managed to lose harder than the online retailer, in the first year after a pandemic

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, xox said:

    I welcome free speech everywhere, including social networks




    musk just squatted on the journalism hub of the world. it's unfortunate. he says twitter should be politically neutral and in order to achieve that, liberals should be banned as much as conservatives. what? utter lunacy to say that there is some equality between 2 political parties that moderation should be based on. 

    he fired most of the employees, including many great people who put in a lot of work to build the impressive creation that was twitter.

    he came in claiming to want to fix the troll problem and apparently his solution was to unban the trolls. so the saudi state propaganda apparatus that kashoggi fought can now operate freely. russia helped make hillary lose through twitter trolls. all good to elon. free speech

    he literally undid blue checks, and then said he was going to invent a way for users to be verified. he's a fucking idiot. 

    he said he wanted twitter to be neutral and then took over the platform right before the election and in his peak attention moment told twitter to vote for the fascists, helping them narrowly take control of the house. wtf is wrong with this dude, i honestly wonder

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