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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by may be rude

  1. it looks like some of the journalist bannings may have been related to twitter banning the elonjet account, which tracked the location of elon's jet. rationale was doxing because it's posting someone else's location or information that indicates someone else's location. which honestly i think holds up, logically, though a little bit of a stretch. apparently the joinmastadon account tweeted about how the elonjet account has an account at mastadon, so @joinmastadon got banned. and then journalists were reporting on how twitter banned joinmastadon for posting about how mastadon has an elonjet account and then some of those journalists got banned. and twitter started flagging links to mastadon as potentially harmful or spammy.  (joinmastadon.org), the main place that people have been migrating to from twitter. twitter activity noticeably started slumping as soon as musk's offer was accepted, in april, and that's when mastadon emerged as the place to go to. now it's a large migration. it's basically an open source platform with an interface and feature set that is very similar to twitter's


    the other place people are migrating to is post.news, which just launched. that one i guess is geared toward news/journalism.


    mastadon is a protocol. no one company, no one server. federated instances. interestingly, as elon was taking over, jack dorsey tweeted that twitter wants to be a protocol, not a company

  2. 1 hour ago, randomsummer said:

    That is pretty bad, and I don't like Musk, but to be fair Amazon is down almost 50% YTD and the S&P500 hasn't been banging either


    ah, true.


    s&p definitely not declining at nearly the same rate

    amzn definitely similar. though tsla managed to lose harder than the online retailer, in the first year after a pandemic

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, xox said:

    I welcome free speech everywhere, including social networks




    musk just squatted on the journalism hub of the world. it's unfortunate. he says twitter should be politically neutral and in order to achieve that, liberals should be banned as much as conservatives. what? utter lunacy to say that there is some equality between 2 political parties that moderation should be based on. 

    he fired most of the employees, including many great people who put in a lot of work to build the impressive creation that was twitter.

    he came in claiming to want to fix the troll problem and apparently his solution was to unban the trolls. so the saudi state propaganda apparatus that kashoggi fought can now operate freely. russia helped make hillary lose through twitter trolls. all good to elon. free speech

    he literally undid blue checks, and then said he was going to invent a way for users to be verified. he's a fucking idiot. 

    he said he wanted twitter to be neutral and then took over the platform right before the election and in his peak attention moment told twitter to vote for the fascists, helping them narrowly take control of the house. wtf is wrong with this dude, i honestly wonder

    • Like 3
  4. 2 hours ago, Nebraska said:

    DOJ appoints jack smith as special counsel to oversee investigations into big T

    i intend to conduct the assigned investigations, and any prosecutions that may result from them, independently and in the best traditions of the DOJ. the pace of the investigations will not pause or flag under my watch. i will exercise independent judgement and will move the investigations forward expeditiously and thoroughly to whatever outcome the facts and the law dictate - jack smith



    this is not something that would happen if there were no case to bring. this is what would happen if garland saw that an indictment is likely to be needed.


    this is why trump announced candidacy for an election 2 years from now, very unusually. his annoncement to run, this week, was also strange because trump is at a particularly weak point, politically, after causing multiple republican election losses in the midterms. trump announcing his candidacy was purely to create a pretext that he will use to deceive people about his prosecution. he will claim that his prosecution is political in nature.


    this will be interesting. trump is about to be on trial either for something like sedition, or for something like espionage, or both.

    • Like 1
  5. ^ Fox News and the GOP have blood on their hands


    As of right now the Dems actually have a shot to keep the house. 20 seats not yet called. Of those, to get control, the GOP needs to win 7 or the Democrats need to win 14. New York Times shows the Democrat in the lead for 10 of those. So, dems only need to take the lead in four races. Not crazy to imagine four red mirages because mail ballots skew dem.


    Whatever happens this was a major defeat for the GOP. statistically and historically, in a midterm of a president's first term, and when the president has this approval rating, the opposing party should have picked up about 40 seats. It looks like they will have only picked up maybe 5 or 10 and if they get control of the house it will only be by one or three seats. This has been a rebuke of trumpism. Trump's own hand-picked candidates performed the worst. Trump's unpopularity dragged the party down. And this is how the right learns. They are already turning on Trump openly and loudly. Murdoch Outlets are ridiculing him and more Republicans are openly rebuking Trumpism since the election and in connection with the losses

  6. on to 2024. early is power in info war. influence is a cone


    florida man isn't worth the attention he gets. there's a weird feedback loop that news outlets do where they report on what people think, making more people think that, and repeat. then that's the story and the news is like "oh no everyone thinks this you guys" like the monty python skit this is. that's my take on that dude. flying migrants from texas to martha's vineyard as a stunt demonstrates the level of his intellect.

    • Like 1
  7. no worries. i like a debate.

    8 hours ago, zero said:

    it just seems like we go through the same activities time after time, the same freakin process - political ad campaigns, town halls, activism, go to a building and push some buttons on a voting machine - and we are still at like 50/50 in terms of political divide in the US. why is this? if 1 party is in fact far more truthful than the other, than it should be a no brainer to vote for the most truthful, accurate group providing us with information, rather than the guys who don't even attempt to hide the lies any more. but humans be humans, they think they all know more than the next guy, so then they don't want to accept accurate information when it is like right there in front of them! so then you start thinking if campaigning/activism/or similar isn't working...what else? 

    deceit is a powerful tool, and the internet was just a huge multiplier for it. we're at a point of social evolution because information flows transformed radically over 15 years. there's a run on people's minds. people need to keep an eye on each other and we will emerge out the other side. big election tomorrow. vote.org to find your voting location and check registration

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

    The next evolution of the Big Lie going forward: all mail-in ballots are fake. Say Kari Lake becomes Governor of Arizona, which she likely will, she will definitely pass some fucked up election laws before the 2024 election, then she will refuse to certify her state’s votes if they favor a Democrat POTUS candidate, then she will say throw out all of the mail-in ballots, then she will appoint a bullshit slate of false electors to give the state to the Republicans. And no one will be able to stop her. She might even say some dumb shit like “No ballots will be counted after midnight on Election Day.” Other GOP Governors will follow suit and refuse to certify their states’ electors. It will be utter chaos. ?? 


    there are the

    • state attorney general
    • state sec of state
    • governor

    positions that trump has marshalled trumpist candidates for, paving the way for a worse coup attempt in 2024. kari lake, in az, as you mention, is pure trump fascism and venemous election deceit


    and then there's a gop house impeaching biden because they can over ice cream or something


    but wait, there's more. trump has ensured that he will be indicted by doj, by stealing state secrets and refusing to give them back. what does a gop house do in response? impeach garland? defund doj? attacking doj is profoundly dangerous, as in: last stop before fascism. we know from jeffrey berman's book that trump administration was heavily influencing improper activity within doj. very very scary stuff


    and then there's: if people want trump to pay for his attack on the US, they should help dems keep the house. the jan 6 committee subpoenaed trump and doj has demonstrated its willingness to enforce congressional subpoenas with prison time. see: bannon. if the jan 6 committee continues then i have reason to think trump could face trial for not only espionage but also sedition.



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