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Everything posted by kaini

  1. so blatant i heard a wobbler on an ad recently, it made me sad. it will be subsumed into the mainstream just like dnb before it. it's inevitable.
  2. great piece about burial, kode9, and j g ballard: http://www.ballardian.com/a-ballardian-burial
  3. kaini

    The KLF

    Its difficult to comprehend how much of a bellend Zodiac Mindwarp is, but he makes for a brilliant read. i believe you're thinking of the book 'bad wisdom' which he wrote with drummond 45 is sorta a collection of anecdotes both good reads
  4. kaini


    your use of fontage shows that you are different and interesting
  5. chips (european variety) and kate bush
  6. lol skream + audiosurf=win btw also DMZ + audiosurf=different type of win
  7. http://www.barefiles.com/ http://www.getdarker.com/gotdarker/
  8. the united states of america - the american metaphysical circus
  9. the advisory circle - mogadon coffee morning
  10. well you cannae go wrong with 26 basslines anyway. the first time i heard it on a skream mix, before it was even called that i think, was a woooooah wtf is that track moment.
  11. re: mr. chips/hammertime jesus christ rusko, learn a new bass noise. this comb-filtered bass thing on ALL HIS SHIT irritates the fuck out of me.
  12. i don't use aol just rapidshare it or something
  13. biggest chopper's not on waffles yet hook a brotha up!
  14. a catfish is a shallow river creature. n00b
  15. except that they make your piss smell like fucking sugar puffs. there's something a bit eldritch about that.
  16. pantone rubiks cube i want one
  17. http://www.myspace.com/magneticmandubstep damn, 'the cyberman' needs a proper release...
  18. silver apples - oscillations (...studio ident) the advisory circle - swinscoe episode 1 [xfade] the focus group - broohahja [xfade] the white noise - love without sound (up to orgy) ariel pink - strange fires [xfade] leafcutter john - maria in the forest [xfade] the advisory circle - sundial [xfade] boards of canada - a is to b as b is to c [xfade] the focus group - xylophone signal paul giovanni and magnet - willow's song the focus group - the moon ladder paul giovanni and magnet - maypole song the focus group - hava take cassetteboy - 48 smiggie balls, duff paddy, shoepack (...numbers stations) silver apples - seagreen serenades the advisory circle - frozen ponds PIF ariel pink - i wait for kate [xfade] the beatles - ADITL-4 dub [xfade] leafcutter john - in the morning [xfade] the advisory circle - eyes that are swelling [xfade] (...numbers stations) the advisory circle - civil defence is common sense belbury poly - scarlet ceremony nalle - ravens
  19. ah fuck, i just heard a pepsi max ad with a wobbler bassline slow decline
  20. hiya Zaida , you still down to hook up? well.....if your still down for some fun, hit me up on msn messnger jane24kiss@live.com
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