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Posts posted by YO303


    nopes has no idea what trolling is even though he's doing it right now to this thread. As for anger, this is not what was happening, i enjoyed the creative aspect of writing my post, there was no other emotion going on other than a warm daze. Well perhaps a touch of moderators frustration at 'rebels' trying to 'make their mark' by 'walking on the lawn' and 'you can't tell me what to do mommy', etc, with chocolate covered crumbly candy.


    Actually there is another emotion too mixed in there, a slight disappointment that noone notices how amazing my posts are, some of these are perfectly crafted forum posts that i just dash off in seconds. But everyone is too busy emoting to notice.



    You are literally a sociopath

    But he is political, how can u b political and be a sociopath, doesn't make sense, can't think of any IRL examples

  2. gotta keep your humor nice and family friendly, lest the Warp suited people see a nipple or something, oh gosh can you imagine



    The thing is, all the watmm dads want to bring their kids here and say "this is what daddy has been doing for the past 15 years, are you proud??"

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