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Posts posted by YO303

  1. why arent you reading every word i post ?



    i do find most of the shit posted here funny






    i dont care about the rejection of the video i posted, its not about that, its about what is the intention when posting dank memes, obviously my intention is different from most people on this thread.




    Last but not least, i dont see how being "triggered" is a bad thing, its called having trauma and people cant help it.

  2. Lol we are definitively living in different realities, I was just here wondering why you "dank memers" are so sensible about what is posted and what is not, just goes to show that communication on the internet is not 100% yet




    And about the meltdown, most people here already have meltdowns(lol) that's why you take DM seriously, you guys broke your brain and are living in a weird kindergarten world



    Deer u stankin' up the place with yr non-dankness this all i gotta say about that:




    this is the problem, i dont exactly know what this is, its either hipster millennial irony or just refusal to live in reality, when the rules are not clear it scares me, imagine you go pass a restaurant and you see a bunch of people eating (what it looks from the outside delicious stake), you go in all excited and you ask a random waitress, "everything here looks delicious i love meat can i have a table", then the waitress looks at you with eyes of judgment and says "fucking cunt, that is not steak its tofu, this is a vegan restaurant"


    im being reasonable and logical


    Haha see that's yr problem. Dank memes are not reasonable and the logic they follow is self-contained. Part of the humor of them is that they imitate logic from a very skewed perspective. Without getting into full explanations of the varying parts, I'd just say that if you've browsed them multiple times and do not find them funny at all, they're probably just not your style of humor.



    i do find most of the shit posted here funny but like in a "look how fucking stupid and silly this is", didnt realize for you guys this is some sort of aesthetic superficial thing (lol?)


    I just dont't know why you guys impose rules on dank memes, ths shit its 100% stupid and the fact that in you guys' head you have rules to follow and has to be this and that its insane i mean good luck but jeez you are kind of out of sync.





    so in the end you guys turned out to be the DANK MEMES, :duckhunt:

  4. Deer u stankin' up the place with yr non-dankness this all i gotta say about that:




    this is the problem, i dont exactly know what this is, its either hipster millennial irony or just refusal to live in reality, when the rules are not clear it scares me, imagine you go pass a restaurant and you see a bunch of people eating (what it looks from the outside delicious stake), you go in all excited and you ask a random waitress, "everything here looks delicious i love meat can i have a table", then the waitress looks at you with eyes of judgment and says "fucking cunt, that is not steak its tofu, this is a vegan restaurant"


    im being reasonable and logical

  5. i just dont understand why you 3 thought i posted that to say "look how cool this is", its confusing me and scaring me




    not trying to be mean, i just dont want to ruin your thread if its not what i think it is


    ill keep judgment to myself, lol

  6. i think you guys might be autistic


    what is this thread then, are we laughing at how stupid and silly things can be or are you people actually enjoying "dank memes" as in, im laughing with it not at it.


    maybe i dont want to know the answer, im afraid to know.


    it's surprisingly more judgemental hipster than i thought it would be. "uu, i smell my own dank and it has touches of spongebob and ambergris".


    also you have a perfect right next time i post a pic to call me a fat fuck, or grotesque grubnar, or anything at all, and i won't mind. i never do about that sort of thing, it's when my ideas are questioned that arguments the hap. [-;




    To be fair, I don't recall ever calling you any of these things, and haven't ever had the need.

    He probably read the chat logs



    Im a 30 year old white gamer and one of my all time favorite games is GTA San Andreas, and I was perfectly fine with playing as a black man. Seriously, CJ was a total badass and I would love to see him appear in a future GTA game. Im also a huge fan of the Dragon Age games which features POC characters, gay characters, bisexual characters, and even a few transgender characters, and I feel this makes the whole experience more interesting. Im also a huge fan of the Metroid games, I absolutely love Samus Aran, bar Other M, and have spend hundreds of hours on Metroid Prime Trilogy.
  9. So I need to write a paper for a film class comparing Metropolis to a newer dystopian sci fi film. Any recommendations? Preferably a film that has scholarly papers written about it


    comparing Metropolis with Children Of Men will give you an A+

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