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Posts posted by YO303

  1. ha that stoner sloth thing went global, great to see.


    what's great is that those parody videos carry a more wholesome message than the original one and are probably more accurate in that sense.


    and the anti-weed research association that lent its research to that ad wants their name pulled from it as they weren't consulted over the final product.


    this is the actual campaign (dont know which i like better the parodies or the real thing, probably the real thing)


  2. did i say stormfront? i meant stromtrooper.com, didnt mean to question your tolerance, also nice "i cant be racist cause i have a black friend" post with the 80's disco shit (if i were a SJW i would say you like 80's disco cause it reminds you of a time where minorities were being oppressed and pushed to the inner cities)

  3. ^ a man after my own heart


    These threads get started all the time, goes the same way every time.


    "hey guise I want some really weird music lol"


    *people post weird music*


    "ok not that weird, could u just post some richard devine and xanopticon pls?"

    Weirdness is in the eye if the beholder

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