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Posts posted by YO303

  1. Your second point is fair altho I think fear is the current state of mind of the world and it warps the way we see things, we probably blow things out of proportion because of fear


    Your first point is lol, I hope you are trolling.

  2. I find it creepy and disturbing that people who enjoy the first world are against sharing it, reminds me of a kid who is possessive of a cool toy and doesn't want to share it with anyone.


    I mean put yourself in the shoes of a father who witnessed his whole neighborhood being bombed and doesn't want his family to experience that shit, what would you do? Accept that fact and live in hell or try to escape and move your family to a more peaceful land.


    I agree that is the people of the region need to revolt but its probably harder the it looks on paper, specially when its bombs vs sticks.



    Wrong thread lol



    *writes something*


    *deletes it knowing the demographic of this forum*

    you fucking fascist



    I do know he will be 71 years old when the next election comes around, so not sure what part of the youth vote he will be able to secure but that's pretty old for someone who wants to change lots of things in labour. Does he have many close knit supporters who can follow in his footsteps?



    This doesnt make sense either, he can still change things, his age is irrelevant, a good leader is a good leader at 35 or 75, ideas are ageless. This kind of thinking is illogical and extremely materialistic.

  4. COyU-efUsAADLSw.png


    Does this means Corbyn is one of the "good ones"? dont know anything about the guy but it seems they are trying to ruin his image lol



    I think lefties generally have a good, philosophical view on the world, which I mostly agree with. But when it comes to the crunch I'm not sure I want them running the country.




    And the alternative is? lol statements like these make no sense

  5. I see weed as a booster for your personality rather than taking over mind and shit, like if you are a boring fuck you gonna be a boring fuck on weed, if you are an active guy you gonna be an active guy on weed, at least for me, maybe listen to what the weed is telling you about yourself rather than fighting and blaming it,it's kind of a doctor who is also a plant



    I'm shit in bed

    you probably just need some practice. go out with an older woman for a while :happy:

    hmmm so what you're saying is, he should date a mature woman purely for the purpose of learning sex tricks.


    then dump them so he can go and use the tricks on younger and therefore more attractive women.


    is that what you mean? your posts are really starting to make you look like a raging misogynist lala.

    Are you really this bored that you decided to create conflict out of an innocent comment?

  7. With all our "dank memes" and funny pictures (that are sometimes in bad taste) and my own America thread that is depressing a lot of the time (I'm as guilty as the next guy), let's post something positive, that makes you believe we are not a lost species. We have the sense and instinct to help each other out, although the US media mostly would have you believe we are not capable of that. Humans are full of contradictions.







    how do you know this isnt a polite robbery?

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