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Posts posted by YO303

  1. My boss screamed at me today lol, repeatedly said "whos the boss?"and didn't rest till i said "you are", very bizarre moment in my life, laughed all the way tru it cause it was like your typical COCA-head rant you see in the movies (he is an actual cocaine user too but i didnt know he did it this early)


    my days are counted for sure, yellow card.


    for those wondering why he was screaming at me, the section i do today is closed due to the Chris Columbus massacre celebrations so i decided to take the day off since i have to go to the dentists today i was gonna cut my day short anyways (was gonna work 3 hours today, probably was gonna do fuck all), he didnt like this thats for sure.


    i dont understand what all the hussle and bussle is about, is he deleting tracks from people's hard drives?

    You mean it's not obvious that fans would want more tracks, versus the opposite which is tracks are being deleted?



    Greedy bastards lol, but ita human nature i guess (or at least modern human nature) can't enjoy what you have, you need more and stuff you don't even know exists which is weird but I guess this is how you build civilizations.
  3. Dawes bikes are solid, they're everywhere. I think it's a case of, if you look after the bike, the bike will look after you. Degrease your chain and give the cassette a spray after every few rides and you will get longevity.

    OK, so i took my new cyclocross out for a spin through the city yesterday and i'm starting to like it. Posture still feels weird but it's damn fast. I shaved 5 mins off my commute to work this morning. Struggling a bit with how low your hands have to go on these weird bars but that'll take time. It's very sturdy with these tires, it seems to handle anything except boulders and rocks.

    Pic from yesterday while it's still nice and new:





    where do you live? looks gorgeous


    All i see in my bike route is shady laundromats and abandoned pizza places so you are fucking lucky lol


    Nearly 900 emails and can't be bothered to go through them, as they continue to pile up. :cerious:


    Also going bald slowly, despite thinking I had escaped unscathed. Poop!

    Why not just check your email every day? It isn't difficult.
    But how are you gonna brag about having 900 unread emails ( 98 percent of which are most likely spam)
  5. My bike is absolutely destroyed from daily use, have to put new breaks on, new shift system and two new tires, at this point I wonder if its worth just buying a new one cause the repairs are gonna cost me as much as the bike.


    Smw cavehole

    A5B2 0000 0045 ACB8

    This one was cool! Liked it a lot.


    Just uploaded a new one: A5D2 0000 004B 84C7


    And a work in progress (need to unlock a few more things to finish it):


    9AA9 0000 004C 1825


    Anyone who's familiar with the classic game 'Helicopter' should be familiar with the gameplay of the above. Not sure if the ideas been done or not - probably has! But it works and is fun.




    hahaha hardcore

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