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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. 3 hours ago, rhmilo said:

    I watched Coming 2 America so you don’t have to.

    Also, what do you call it when Black Americans are using lazy cliches to stereotype sub Saharan Africans?

    might check it tonight but didn't see many favorable reviews. also, tracy morgan and leslie jones is guaranteed to bring the score down by default. 

  2. Quote

    Bitcoin uses more electricity annually than the whole of Argentina, analysis by Cambridge University suggests.

    But the rising price offers even more incentive to Bitcoin miners to run more and more machines. And as the price increases, so does the energy consumption, according to Michel Rauchs, researcher at The Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, who co-created the online tool that generates these estimates.

    “It is really by design that Bitcoin consumes that much electricity,” Mr Rauchs told BBC’s Tech Tent podcast. “This is not something that will change in the future unless the Bitcoin price is going to significantly go down."



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  3. 51i7LVLrZ2L.jpg

    tried to watch this but couldn't stand it. it's basically peterson bitching that he doesn't want to call transgendered people by their preferred pronouns interspersed with footage of him doing public talks to reaffirm this stance. 

  4. Quote

    Jack Dorsey's digital-payments processor Square is buying Tidal, Jay-Z's music streaming platform, for nearly $300 million, the companies announced Thursday.

    The move is set to bring Jay-Z to Square's board of directors. Square said it was buying a majority stake in Tidal for $297 million through a mix of cash and stock.



  5. grimes just made $6 million from an album released as an NFT


    also. related to the article linked by@auxien

    "A percentage of proceeds from the sales will be donated to environmental NGO Carbon 180, presumably in an attempt to offset the electricity and carbon dioxide consumed by using blockchain technology. As climate activist Joanie Lemercier previously estimated, however, a prior auction for just two pieces of art on Nifty Gateway burned the equivalent of 49 years of electricity consumption and 103,129 Kg of CO2 emissions."

    Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk

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  6. On 2/16/2021 at 1:47 PM, Zephyr_Nova said:

    Wanted to edit that, but too much time has past.  I don't think I've ever seen a doc where the narrator was a bigger prick the whole time.  Anyone got other examples of this?  I want more docs where the person doing it is just a complete asshole.



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  7. 53 minutes ago, Tim_J said:

    I was expecting the same level of awesomeness of the first season...:(

    anyway I don't think shamalamado is writing... he just produces and directs some of the episodes... 

    in television, the showrunner and producer have more control of the show than the director, especially due to name recognition. this can apply with film as well (eg. anything tom cruise is in). 

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