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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. 16 minutes ago, Silent Member said:

    If I bought something for 1 dollar ten years ago and I was to buy the thing again the cost would be similar. If I bought something for a bitcoin ten years ago and was to rebuy it for a bitcoin now the cost is fuck. 

    if you bought something worth 1BTC 10 years ago, today, that same "thing" would be valued around 0.000023BTC. 1BTC today would buy you significantly more

    because of how volatile btc is, most places will just have a converter so you can establish the cost in real time of btc atm

    as for editing alcofribas' posts: flawless posts could potentially fetch a very high price. perhaps one could create a black market to trade portions of them for future review

    • Thanks 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Silent Member said:

    I don't understand why the rights to these digital works must be paid in crypto. Could just as well sell them to the highest bidder in any other currency. Am I missing something?

    if the digital works is being sold in .eu and you're in .us then you would have to compensate for the exchange rate but with crypto, the price is the same regardless of where you are. so .05ETH is worth the same in every country in the world. 

    it's also easy and private. no need to disclose your name, credit card number, billing address etc. you can just scan a QR code and make a transaction. 

    also because everything is visible on the blockchain, if you buy a unique NFT, it's always tied (but not stored) to your wallet. as a hypothetical example: if Alcofribas were to sell his previous comments, an additional note could suddenly appear in his post history to indicate the new owner. and this person would then be able to edit/delete these previous posts without requiring Alcofribas' password. 


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  3. 23 hours ago, auxien said:

    she gets into a bit more of the details here, for those interested. 7:57 should be queued up where she starts explaining the process.

    thanks for sharing that video. subscribed to her channel too 

    • Like 1
  4. ^^ it's difficult to put a price on your fungible posts- which is why i suggested opensea where users can bid on them. also, i'd suggest splitting the assets in bundles similar to hashmasks where users can then anticipate either owning a part of your posts, or you're entire post history/collection. missing posts can create scarcity which would then drive up the value of the remaining posts

  5. 3 hours ago, auxien said:

    jesus, how many of these things are there? just was introduced to Cryptokitties yesterday. 

    a lot. 

    the blockchain art scene is pretty big with the likes of a unique nyan cat selling for $561,000this exquisite pixel collage piece of 319,168,313 bytes currently on auction, a clip of lebron blocking a shot in a lakers game that someone thought was worth $100,000 or my favorite: a tweet by mark cuban that sold for $952

    i'm personally looking into minting some personalized "text files" for sale in a couple of months so "stay tuned" 


    • Farnsworth 1
  6. 5 hours ago, mcbpete said:

    I wish I could remember who coined the phrase (possibly someone from the cookdandbombd forum) but it definitely applies here: shit for cunts.

    wasn't sure whether to post this here or in the daft punk split after 28 years thread:


    Newly minted crypto fan Lindsay Lohan is selling a Daft Punk NFT for over $15,000. And while crypto collectibles are designed to be provably authentic, we can't yet determine if this one is the real deal.




  7. glitchposter_1608141981.jpg?d=360x540&q=

    silly attempt at a documentary interviewing a bunch of qanon dudes hiding behind anthropomorphic avatars believing we're living the matrix scenario (they even literally say their theory was popularized by the film) and taking philip k dick's words as evidence of their theories. i'm all for discussions about a holographic universe or something similar but this is is daft

    • Burger 1
  8. Quote

    Astronomers Locate the Oldest and Most Distant Galaxy in the Universe

    A team of astronomers used the Keck I telescope to measure the distance to an ancient galaxy. They deduced the target galaxy GN-z11 is not only the oldest galaxy but also the most distant.

    “From previous studies, the galaxy GN-z11 seems to be the farthest detectable galaxy from us, at 13.4 billion light years, or 134 nonillion kilometers (that’s 134 followed by 30 zeros),” said Kashikawa. “But measuring and verifying such a distance is not an easy task.”



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  9. i've been seeing a lot of these NFT's lately starting with zed.run (virtual horse racing with fake horses) and even land on the blockchain (people selling and rent "land") and personally, i can't buy into it partly because, for a lot of these "products" it's almost like they exist for the sake of giving the cryptocurrency a reason to exist, especially in the case of ETH that has some silly gas prices attached for microtransactions


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  10. On 2/19/2021 at 12:23 PM, Zephyr_Nova said:

    I must confess, I don't really see how having Ted Cruz physically in Texas in the last week would have helped anything (aside from his public image obvs). 

    who else would "serve some delicious houston bbq to firefighters & local law enforcement to thank first responders following these unprecedented snow storms."? the cancun trip (with the college roommate) was a trap for the libtards who are now embarrassed seeing all the great work lion ted is doing on the front lines


    • Facepalm 1
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